Implementation of the Bayesian nested sampling method 12. Computes the Bayesian evidence and information for a parametric model. Also computes estimates of the parameters and uncertainties based on moments of the posterior.
Based on the approach described by Sivia,D.S., Skilling, J. (2006) 1. Implements Monte-Carlo error estimation.
Ongoing project.
Example code finds the location and scale parameter for a log-normal distribution using a log-normal sample.
Sivia,D.S., Skilling, J.: 2006,Data Analysis - A Bayesian Tutorial (2nd ed.),Oxford Science Publications Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0198568322 ↩ ↩2
John Skilling. "Nested sampling for general Bayesian computation." Bayesian Anal. 1 (4) 833 - 859, December 2006. ↩