A tictactoe game using minimax Algorithm This game has been developed using C++ (GNU GCC version 4.9 and higher) While some functions such as "to_string()" is only available in C++11, so compiling the code would yeild a error result.
Thus to get the compilation done correctly one need to consider the following things
*If you are using Ubuntu 14 or higher then g++ is already the latest one installed Otherwise upgrade to latest one using the following commands in the shell
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install g++
Now to compile the code in shell run the following commands as
$ g++ -std=c++11 ttt.c -o ttt
$ g++ -std=c++0x ttt.c -o ttt
Now run the compiled programm using
$ ./ttt
IF you are lucky and use CodeBlocks , then just head to the Settings -> Compiler and then select GNU GCC and in the bottom set the flag to acceept C++11 as C++11 or C++0x, whatever is available.
That is it.