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👩‍💻📸 Object detection and Person tracking with Tello drone

This repository contains two ROS packages. The first one, tello, performs object detection using a Tello drone's camera by leveraging YOLOv8, a popular framework for object detection, object classification, and more, developed by Ultralytics. The second one person_tracking implements drone person tracking. To run the second package, the tello ros driver and hand gesture detector plugins are required.

🔍 Table Of Contents

🛠️ Installation

We strongly advise running this project on Ubuntu 22.04 to make sure it is compatible with the ROS distribution we used.

Also, make sure that the system used allows for connection to the drone (We encountered problems while trying to connect the drone to WSL.)

To settle the environment to run this project on your side, you must:

  • Clone this repository

    git clone

    You need to have git installed.

  • Install the requirements specified in requirements.txt
    If you possess, pip, you can run the command

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Even if you do not want to install the packages by using this file, we still recommend you to have a look on the versions of the packages we used, to avoid incompatibility errors.

  • Install ROS 2:
    For this project, we used ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill. The platforms supported are Ubuntu 22.04, RHEL-8, Windows 10, and macOS(building from source). To install on Ubuntu 22.04 from binary packages(recommended), follow this tutorial. For the other platforms, more information is found here.

  • Install Tello driver and hand gesture packages:
    These are two ROS packages mandatory to possess to run the person_tracking package. You must clone them in the same ROS workspace as person_tracking.\

    Tello driver:

    git clone

    Hand gesture plugin:

    git clone


    • YOLOv8 :
      YOLOv8 should be installed if you installed all packages in requirements.txt.
      If not, you can run

      pip install ultralytics

      However, we recommend that you install all the packages in the requirement file to avoid errors.
      Please note that to run a code that uses YOLOv8, you should possess a Python version >=3.8, and PyTorch >= 1.8.
      For more information on how to install YOLOv8.

    • DJITelloPy:
      It should be installed if you installed packages in requirements.txt. The tello package requires DJITelloPy to establish the connection to the drone. It can be installed with

      pip install djitellopy

      Again, it is advised to install all requirements from the requirement file.

🧑‍💻️🏃 Run code

This repository is organized into 4 directories:

  • config where all configuration files are kept.

  • media containing some videos on which we ran our object detection module to test its functioning.

  • ros_workspace contains a robotic package (tello) we implemented to perform object detection with a DJI Tello drone. To run the tello package, you have to fulfill all installation requirements listed above. Then in a terminal,

    • Move to the ros_workspace directory after cloning the repository
      cd /path/to/ros_workspace
    • Source your ROS distribution using
      source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/setup.bash
      Replace <ros-distro> with your ROS distribution name.
    • Build the Tello package
      colcon build --packages-select tello
    • Turn the drone on and check your WIFI connection to make sure that your computer is connected to the drone.
    • Open three other terminals and still in the workspace repertory, source the ROS distribution and the Tello package in all of them with
      source ./install/setup.bash
      • In the first terminal, run the drone's camera publisher node using
        ros2 run tello camera_pub
      • In the second one, run the object detection subscriber and republisher node using
        ros2 run tello detected_pub
      • In the third terminal, you can use visualization tools such as rqt_image_view to view the image messages published on each topic (image_raw for raw images coming from the drone, and image_detected for images on which object detection was performed. )
  • person_tracking contains the second package person_tracking. This package provides a Tello drone with the functionality of tracking a person in real-time.
    To run the package, YOLOv8, ROS 2, the tello driver and hand gesture package must be installed.\

    • Move to the workspace directory after cloning the repository
      cd /path/to/workspace
    • Source your ROS distribution using
      source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/setup.bash
      Replace <ros-distro> with your ROS distribution name.
    • Build the packages
      colcon build --packages-select tello tello_driver hand_gesture
    • Turn the drone on and check your WIFI connection to make sure that your computer is connected to the drone.
    • Open five other terminals and still in the workspace repertory, source the ROS distribution and the Tello package in all of them with
      source ./install/setup.bash
      • In the first terminal, run the tello driver
        ros2 launch tello_driver
      • In the next three terminals run the nodes in the person_tracking package
        ros2 run person_tracking all_detected_node --ros-args -p standalone:=true
        ros2 run person_tracking trigger_node --ros-args -p standalone:=true
        ros2 run person_tracking tracker_node --ros-args -p standalone:=true
      • In the fourth terminal, run the hand gesture recognizer
        ros2 launch hand_gestures run_annotator:=true
      • You can also use visualization tools such as rqt_image_view to view the image messages published on each topic (image_raw for raw images coming from the drone, and all_detected for images on which person detection was performed.)


  • tello
    This project uses a publisher/subscriber architecture to detect objects on a drone's camera video. The publisher node is in charge of connecting to the drone (using DJITelloPy) and reading video frames from the drone's camera. These frames are then published on a topic name image_raw. The subscriber node receives frames published on image_raw, performs object detection on them, and republishes the new frames (with bounding boxes around objects) on image_detected.

  • person_tracking\

📈✨Improvement prospects

Current improvement prospects are related to the person tracking package.

  • Speed of the plugin:
    At its current state, while running the package one might experience lagging and a delayed processing of the frames. This inevitably makes the tracking impossible. An important improvement prospect for this package is to optimize the efficiency of the package.

  • Keeping a certain distance from the target:
    For now, the package involves lateral movement and rotation of the drone to keep the target person within the field of view of the drone's camera. Hence, the next step is to keep the distance between the drone and the target within a certain range, for better and effective tracking.

  • Safety of the drone and the people around:
    One of the most important aspect to consider when dealing with autonomous systems is trust, and trust in autonomous systems is highly linked to safety around the system. Thus, we consider implementing measures to enhance the safety of the drone and the people around it during the tracking.

  • Integration to Tello_ws:
    This package is meant to be included in the Tello_ws as a plugin.

🧾 License


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