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Honeybadger Notes

Peter Mangiafico edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 8 revisions

Common HB Errors and What they mean

Since we may extensive use of external services (via APIs) in sul-pub, there will be HB exceptions related to these external services, and not necessarily because of our code. Some common examples:

  1. Runtime Error: API returned 400, e.g.

This error happens when pushing a publication to ORCID via their API. This occurs during a scheduled task for users who have integrated with ORCID. This exception occurs when we push invalid data to ORCID (e.g. data is too big for a field, invalid date, etc.). See for a previous example. This requires looking into what the problematic field is and how to deal with it when pushing to ORCID.

  1. Savon: SOAP Fault, e.g.

Something to do with the Web of Science API. Often a temporary blip or a timed out session identifier that will be fixed it you restart the app (e.g. bundle exec cap prod deploy:restart). An attempt to minimize this from occurring was done here: but it has not entirely stopped this from happening.

  1. Faraday::ServerError, e.g. or Errno::ECONNRESET e.g.

One of the external APIs we depend on may have been down temporarily or there may have been a temporary authentication issue due to a session expiration, which is self correcting. Since these operations will be retried again at the next harvest interval (currently every few days), it is safe to ignore. To be sure, look at the status page to ensure all external clients are up: and then consult DevOpsDocs if things don't look correct:

  1. Harvester::Error, e.g.

We sent a bad query to one of our external clients (e.g. Pubmed or Web of Science), most certainly because we have bad author data. If you scroll down and look at the exception details in HB, you will see the author that caused the problem. Common examples are that the author has no first name (or has their first and last name incorrectly appended into the last name field). This bad data comes from Profiles, and there is nothing we can do about it. Safe to ignore unless we are contacted by the Profiles project manager, in which case you should look at the author and see what the problem may be. Also, should investigate if it occurs very frequently to be sure there is no bug in our code.

Ignored Exceptions

Note that some honeybadger exception errors may end up in an ignored/resolved area so you may need to go there to see errors when developing: