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Log Files

Peter Mangiafico edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 4 revisions

There are many log files in sul-pub/current/log. Except for the runner logs, these logfiles are not "task-oriented". Below is a brief description of them:

Useful logs for 3.x release

  • cap.log contain logging for the CapAuthorsPoller and CapHttpClient classes.
  • production.log is the Rails logger. This is a catch-all log and includes logging from our Rails API.
  • pubmed.log contain logging for the PubmedHarvester and PubmedClient classes.
  • web_of_science.log contains logging for the Web of Science harvester and classes.
  • wos_harvest.log contains general logging for the sw:wos_harvest rake task

Other logs

  • integration_tests.log contains general logging for our spec:with-data-integration rake task.

Runners and historical

The following logs either pre-date the 2.x release, or are for Rails runner scripts.

  • bibtext_import.log has general logging for a publications rake task that reads data from a structured folder and these data are stored in the BatchUploadedSourceRecord model
  • cap_import_pmid.log only has incorrect log output so it was deleted entirely.
  • cap_authors_poller.log contains general logging for the rake cap:poll process.
  • cap_authorship_api.log contains error logging for the CapAuthorsPoller and CapHttpClient classes.
  • contributions.log contains error logging for when the cap_profile_id is invalid in the Contribution model data.
  • contributions_publications_errors.log contains errors for when the Contribution.to_pub_hash method fails.
  • delete_missing_auths.log has general logging for this runner script which deletes authors based on an input CSV file
  • duplicate_authorship_merge.log has general logging for the merge_duplicate_authorsip runner script which detects incorrect pub_hash[:authorship] fields and corrects them by migrating publications (I think).
  • fix_procs_marked_as_article_NNN.log has general logging for the fix_sw_procs_marked_as_article runner script which corrects the pub_hash[:type] field for all publications.
  • merge_duplicate_auths.log has general logging for the merge_duplicate_authors runner script which moves publications from one author to another based on input data from JSON.
  • refresh_existing_authors.log has general logging for the refresh_existing_authors runner script which reloads the Author and AuthorIdentity data from CAP.
  • repair_mixed_auths.log has general logging for the repair_mixed_auths runner script which changes :cap_profile_id values based on input CSV data.
  • pub_dups.log has general logging for the dup_report runner script which outputs publication data into CSV files based on input sciencewire_id data from a CSV
  • sw_harvest.log contains general logging for the sw:fortnightly_harvest rake task.
  • sw_harvest_p_NNN.log contains general logging for the sw:parallel_harvest rake task.
  • sw_nightly_harvest.log contains general logging for the ScienceWireHarvester class, as used by the sw:faculty_harvest, sw:cap_profile_harvest, and sw:cap_profile_harvest_alt_names rake tasks as well as the background harvesting jobs (via the API and DelayedJob).
  • title_report.log has general logging for the title_report runner script which generates various report CSV data based on input CSV data
  • update_mesh_headings.log has general logging for the update_mesh_headings runner script which updates the pub_hash[:mesh_headings] data from PubMed.
  • The following logs were associated with a one-time "CAP cutover":
    • cap_build_delta_pubs.log
    • cap_build_pubs.log
    • cap_create_pmid_pubs.log
    • cap_import_man_pubs.log
    • cap_import_pubmed_source_records.log
    • cap_import_sciencewire_source_records.log
    • cap_profile_id_rewrite.log contains general logging for the overwrite_profile_ids rake task
    • cap_update_pubs.log
    • fix_man_pubs_authors.log
    • rebuild_authorship_in_hash.log