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Sven Kubiak edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 5 revisions

Every controller method, wether it renders a template, sends JSON or just returns a HTTP Status, must return a Response object. This is handled by using the Response class of mangoo I/O. Here is an example of how a controller method may look like.

package controllers;

import io.mangoo.routing.Response;

public class ApplicationController {
    public Response index() {
        String foo = "Hello world!";
        return Response.withOk().andContent("foo", foo);

This controller method would lookup a method named corresponding file, which is by convention expected to be in the following path


or more concrete


With the previously mapped request in the file, a request to “/” will render the index.ftl template and send the template along with a HTTP Status OK to the browser.

Request and query parameters

mangoo I/O makes it very easy to handle request or query parameter. Lets imagine you have the following mapping in your Bootstrap class.


Note the {id} in the URL, that defines that this part of the URL is a request parameter.

Now lets imagine you execute the following request


For this example we are also adding a query parameter.

To access both the request and query parameter, you can simply add the names of the parameters along with the required data type to your controller method

public Response index(int id, String foo) {
    //Do something useful with id and foo
    return Response.withOk();

mangoo I/O will automatically convert the passed parameters into your required data types based on their names.

The following method parameters are available in mangoo I/O controller methods by default and can be used as a request or query parameter.


Double and Float values are always passed with “.” delimiter, either if you pass the query or request parameter with “,” delimiter.

All parameters are parsed case-sensitive, which means, that if you have a method parameter “localDateTime” you have to map the request parameter in your routes.yaml accordingly, e.g. /foo/{localDateTime}.

LocalDate is parsed as


and LocalDateTime is parsed as

ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss"

The following classes can also be used directly in controller methods, but can not be used as a request or query parameter


It will be explained how this classes can be used in the next chapters.

Request chain

The heart of mangoo I/O (and probably of all web frameworks) is the handling of requests. As mangoo I/O is based on Undertow for serving request, this is done by so called handlers. mangoo I/O has a number of handlers which all perform a specific task when a request is served. The handlers are chained to each other from the first receive of a request until sending out the response.

A DispatcherHandler is created at framework startup for each mapped controller from the routes.yaml file, waiting to receive a request. From the DispatcherHandler the request chain is as follows:


By using Google Guice features you have the option to customized each handler and change the request chain for your own needs.

To overwrite a handler, first bind the handler to you custom handler in your Modules class.


In your custom handler you need to extend the handler class and overwrite the methods from the default handlers as you want.

public class MyLocaleHandler extends LocaleHandler {

    public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
        //do something different

    protected void nextHandler(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
        //call another handler than the default one

Request validation

As an additional feature on the request object, you can validate incoming parameters.

public Response index(Request request) {

  if (request.isValid()) {
     //Handle request
  } else {
     //Do nothing

With this validation you can check an incoming request and return specific error messages, for e.g. as JSON.

public Response index(Request request) {

  if (request.isValid()) {
     //Handle request
  } else {
     return Response.withBadRequest()

Request values

The request class is a special object which can be passed into a controller method. It enables you access to header and URL values a long with additional information about the request. To gain access to the request object, simply pass it to your controller method.

public Response index(Request request) {
    //Do something useful with the request
    return Response.withOk();

The request class is also useful when you have multiple query or request parameter which you don’t all want to name in your controller method header. To access a query or request parameter simply call the getter for the parameter.

public Response index(Request request) {
    String foo = request.getParameter("foo");
    return Response.withOk();

Response headers

mangoo I/O ships with some predifined headers that are send with the response to the client. For example:

X-ContentType = nosniff
X-Frame-Options = DENY

These headers can customized through your config.props file using the appropriate config keys. Check the default values on how to set custom headers.