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Sven Kubiak edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 4 revisions

mangoo I/O uses plain Java methods for creating and executing periodic tasks. The integration comes in two flavours: You can either create a repeating task (e.g. every 3m) or schedule a cron task.

Reaping task

To create a new task, create a simple Pojo and use the @Run annotation on the method you want to be executed.

public class InfoJob {
    @Run(at = "Every 3m")
    public void execute() {
        //Do nothing for now

The "at" parameter configures the repeating of the task. You can either use

  • s = seconds ("Every 5s")
  • m = minutes ("Every 15m")
  • h = hours ("Every 4h")

Cron task

To create a new cron task, create a simple Pojo and use the @Run annotation on the method you want to be executed.

public class InfoJobCron {
    @Run(at = "0/1 * * * *")
    public void execute() {
        //do nothing for now