A simple Unity editor tool of procedural mesh generating, modifying and exporting. Created for educational purposes.
- 🔨 Procedural mesh generation of basic primitive shapes
- Plane (with backace culling option)
- Cube (with roundness option)
- Cube Sphere (a more evenly distributed sphere than a cube with maximum roundness)
- 🔧 Changing mesh vertices with simple modifiers in multi-threaded way with Job System, Burst Compiler and Unity Mathematics library for better calculations
- Sine
- Ripple
- 💾 Export meshes in multiple formats
- Unity Asset (.asset)
- Wavefront OBJ (.obj)
- 📦 Creating and updating according to the mesh of various colliders
- Bounds
- Mesh
- ☕ Custom editor inspector for more convenient work with the procedural generation component
Please add the following line to the manifest file (Packages/manifest.json
) to the dependencies
"com.sxm.procedural-mesh-generator": "https://github.com/sxm-sxpxxl/procedural-mesh-generator.git"
or just download and unzip the repository into the Packages