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Recloser Simulator

A recloser is an automatic, high-voltage electric switch.
Like a circuit breaker on household electric lines, it shuts off electric power when trouble occurs, such as a short circuit.

What will you need?

Preparing Beaglebone for Recloser Simulator:

  1. Update debian to v9.4 follow steps in "Getting Started".

  2. Change default user password.
    sudo passwd debian

  3. Set time zone for logging.
    sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York

  4. Disable following services and sockets.
    sudo systemctl disable apache2.service
    sudo systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service
    sudo systemctl disable avahi-daemon.socket
    sudo systemctl disable bb-wl18xx-bluetooth.service
    sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service
    sudo systemctl disable bonescript-autorun.service
    sudo systemctl disable bonescript.socket
    sudo systemctl disable node-red.socket
    sudo systemctl disable pppd-dns.service
    sudo systemctl disable ssh.service

  5. Change directory to "/var/lib/cloud9"
    cd /var/lib/cloud9

  6. Connect Beaglebone to internet and clone this repository.
    git clone

  7. Change the directory and install required npm modules.
    cd m76xxsim
    npm install

  8. Verify required node modules installed correctly.
    npm test

  9. Install HAProxy is a reverse proxy allows the server to run on port 80.
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install haproxy=1.7.\*

  10. Move haproxy.cfg to "/etc/haproxy" folder and verify HAProxy service started if not start the service.
    sudo mv haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy
    systemctl status haproxy.service
    sudo systemctl start haproxy.service

  11. Move m76xxsim.service to "/lib/systemd/system" folder.
    sudo mv m76xxsim.service /lib/systemd/system

  12. Reload systemd manager configuration.
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  13. Enable M76xxsim service to automatically start on boot.
    sudo systemctl enable m76xxsim.service

  14. Restart Beaglebone.
    sudo shutdown -r now

  15. After reboot completed connect to Beaglebone using a browser with ipaddress presented on LCD.
    (Initial web page load could take up to 20 seconds.)

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