Convert VCF files generated by GBS pipelines like GB-eaSy or TASSEL 5 GBSv2 to the locus genotype file (loc-file) format used by JoinMap, which can be used to create linkage maps for experimental populations of diploid species.
Currently supports the CP, F2, and RIx population types. Multiallelic sites are ignored and phasing is not supported.
The script requires Python 3.7 or higher. No installation or dependencies outside the Python standard library are required.
You can run the script file directly:
./ -t CP -a PARENT_A -b PARENT_B -o gbs_output.loc gbs_input.vcf
Or (particularly on Windows):
python -t CP -a PARENT_A -b PARENT_B -o gbs_output.loc gbs_input.vcf
As in the above example, you need to provide the script with the type of population, the sample names of the two parental samples (these should match their names in the VCF file header), an output file name, and an (uncompressed) VCF input file.
You can view a help message, which details these and other (optional) arguments, through ./ --help
or python --help
usage: [-h] --output-loc OUTPUT_LOC [--name NAME] --population-type POPULATION_TYPE --parent-a PARENT_A [--parent-b PARENT_B] [--snvs] [--min-dp MIN_DP] [--u-threshold U_THRESHOLD]
[--het-threshold HET_THRESHOLD] [--hom-threshold HOM_THRESHOLD] [--keep-invalid-calls] [--natural-sort]
Generate JoinMap loc file based on vcf output from a GBS pipeline.
positional arguments:
input_vcf input GBS vcf file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output-loc OUTPUT_LOC, -o OUTPUT_LOC
output JoinMap loc file
--name NAME output file population name; cannot contain spaces
population type (supported: CP, F2, RIx)
--parent-a PARENT_A, -a PARENT_A
first parent sample name
--parent-b PARENT_B, -b PARENT_B
second parent sample name (optional except for CP population type)
--snvs use only SNV sites
--min-dp MIN_DP minimum DP (total depth, excluding parents) threshold for site
--u-threshold U_THRESHOLD
maximum fraction of unknown calls per site
--het-threshold HET_THRESHOLD
maximum fraction (among known calls) of heterozygous calls per site
--hom-threshold HOM_THRESHOLD
maximum fraction (among known calls) of homozygous calls per site
--keep-invalid-calls keep calls which could not result from the parental genotypes
--natural-sort apply a natural ordering to the individual names
Descriptions taken from the JoinMap® 5 user manual by J.W. van Ooijen:
Type code | Description |
CP |
a population resulting from a cross between two heterogeneously heterozygous and homozygous diploid parents, linkage phases originally possibly unknown |
F2 |
an F2 population: the result of selfing the F1 of a cross between two fully homozygous diploid parents |
RIx |
a population of recombinant inbred lines in the x-th generation: the result of selfing an F2 with single seed descent; x must be specified: 2 <= x <= 99, RI2 is equivalent to F2 |
Author & maintainer (Tomasz Kurowski):