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3c, clickerTimer

udu3324 edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

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clickerTimer is a timer that counts the keystrokes done onto the clickerTimer button in a set amount of time.

How To Use

Using clickerTimer is very easy. Start left clicking or pressing spacebar on the clickerTimer button. Get the most clicks within the set amount of time. When the timer runs out, you will need to reset it to try again.

clickerTimer Score Label

The clickerTimer score label displays the score you currently scored.

clickerTimer Button

The clickerTimer button is pre-selected and you can press spacebar to make the counter go up. Another way to trigger the clickerCounter Button is to left click on it and it will make the counter go up as well.

clickerReset Button

The clickerReset button is a way to reset the counter. The button is disabled until the timer runs out. When pressed, the score is cleared and the highest score is updated if the score was bigger than the highest score. This will also save in clickerConfig.txt

clickerReset Button Auto-Save

clickerReset has a auto save function where it saves the newest high score in clickerSaves.txt. This feature is togglable in clickerConfig. The following string below is what will be saved in clickerSaves.txt.

"# clickerTimer \n" "> User has scored a new high score of " + save.highestCount + " points in " + df.format(save.duration) + " time. \n"

clickerTimer Timer Label

The clickerTimer timer displays the amount of time you have at start. When you start using the clickerTimer button, the timer will start and count to 0. When it counts to 0, the clickerTimer button is disabled and the clickerReset button will reset the timer and your score for you to play again.

Info Label

The info label displays the highest score scored in clickerTimer and the initial time set for clickerTimer.