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3d, clickerConfig

udu3324 edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

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clickerConfig is a way to configure how clickerBoard and its components work.

How To Use

You can simply use clickerBoard to change variables to make clickerBoard's components act different.

Time Duration

The time duration value is used in clickerTimer. This value determines the time interval on how many clicks you can click in the set time you select. The default value is 10s.

Auto-Save Scores

The auto save scores value is used in both clickerTimer and clickerCounter. When toggled to true, it will save its highest score string into clickerSaves.txt.

Save Config and Restart Button

The save config and restart button will save your configuration you chose and restarts clickerBoard. (it doesn't actually restart, it just closes it)

Delete Config.txt and Saves.txt Button

The delete config.txt and saves.txt button will pop up a arrow stating you to close clickerBoard and then delete them yourself. This is because clickerBoard is currently using those files. (a fix might be found later)

Docs/Wiki to clickerBoard Button

The Docs/Wiki to clickerBoard Button will redirect you to the clickerBoard wiki (which you currently are on) on click.