Releases: utspect/InstaGibPlus
Releases · utspect/InstaGibPlus
InstaGib+ 3Db
- Fixed Exploit
InstaGib+ 3D
- Server now simulates movement every tick if no movement update was received from client
- Increased default upper netspeed limit to 25000 (100TR servers use ~22000 with 10 players)
- Lowered default lower netspeed limit to 10000
- Bound NetUpdateRate to netspeed, NetUpdateRate cannot be greater than Netspeed/100
- Fix Bouncers sometimes applying their velocity after spawning
- Fix Boosts sometimes being applied twice
- Improved stutter during player-player collisions
- Fix clients not applying CAP when receiving xxPureCAP and xxFakeCAP in that order on the same frame
- Dont send CAP again while CAP is already in-flight
- Potentially fix skating upon respawn
InstaGib+ 3C
- Add BeamOriginMode Setting
- Dont Force Update When Respawning (Fixed respawn stuttering)
- Increase Dead-Time of Weapons After Spawning by 100ms
- Fix Lifts for High-Ping Players
- Finally fix Flip Animations
- Optimize Network Traffic
- Fix boosting after using bouncer
- Fix for players walking and capping flags during countdown
- Major code cleanups
InstaGib+ 3B (Hotfix)
- Fix Dodging in mid-air
- Replicate components of Accel and ClientLoc individually
InstaGib+ RC 3A
- Fixed front flip animations
- Fixed canvas issues related to scoreboard/stats mutators
- Fixed the shooting delay after spawning
- Fixed a hard to replicate bug when spawning at game start during state switch
- Implemented SSR Beams
- Make new SSR Beams work with Demos
- Smooth 1st-Person Spectating for Spectators
- Removed the netspeed limit
- Reformulated Edge detection
- Implemented a few 469 movement features
- Fixed Players Skating around
- Fixed the forced team colors for XTDM (Green/Yellow)
InstaGib+ RC 3
- New player movement & spectator movement algorithm by Deaod
- Fixed players being unable to shoot in some situations
- Fixed a double fire issue while alt firing
- Fixed movers (lifts/doors) unreliability by Deaod
- Fixed forced player updates when Touching some world actors
- Fixed crouching hitboxes
- Reverted NetUpdateFrequency and NetPriority changes
- Added debug stats
- New mutual hits feature, if both players fired a shot and both shots connected they will now frag each other
- Correctly centered the crosshairs, if using default crosshairs the instagib shot will now be perfectly aligned to the center
InstaGib+ RC 2D
- Increased hitbox size by 5%, hitboxes now stand at a 20% reduction instead of the previous 25%
- Increased flag pickup radius to mitigate dancing around the flag and not picking it up in stressful situations
- Rewritten some parts of the movement code so dodging and jumping in bouncers should feel smooth as butter
- Increased player movement update frequency, players are now being updated 250 times per tick instead of the previous 100
- Slightly decreased MaxPosError to try and replicate more accurate player locations
InstaGib+ RC 1E
Slightly decreased player net move delta to try and mitigate non reg hits.
Increased MinPosError and lowered MaxPosError to get a much more accurate player location.
InstaGib+ RC 1D
Initial official release