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Releases: utspect/InstaGibPlus

InstaGib+ 6

03 Mar 05:25
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  • Implemented crosshair factory for multi-colored crosshairs
    • Example:
  • Implemented client-side swJumpPads
  • Relaxed trade-restrictions
  • Hitbox now transitions to/from crouching linearly over 0.25 seconds
  • Make clients send net updates for intervals of at least 5ms of game-time on
  • Improve crosshair accuracy when spectating other players
  • Fix SetForcedTeamSkins parameter validation
  • Improve output of MyIGSettings console command
  • Fix players sometimes turning into ghosts by removing the server setting bEnableJitterBounding and the feature it controlled
  • Fix LCWeapons not giving a weapon during warmup when combined with an Arena mutator
  • Fix warping upon respawn when combined with LCWeapons
  • Fix force-models not forcing models when a player switches from a team with forced models to a team without
  • Improve Kill Cam behavior when suiciding
  • Fix NNAnnouncer sometimes being installed twice
  • Fix sometimes not being bounced by Bouncers
  • Always draw HUD to avoid sometimes not drawing a HUD after joining a paused server
  • Fix headshots by the IG+ SniperRifle not being applied on crouching opponents. Head hitbox now always has the same size, regardless of crouched status.
  • Reorganized netcode a bit to allow out-of-order packets that arrive together to be reordered to avoid losing data clients sent
  • Fix up netcode to handle Translocator usage
  • Prevent welcome message from being shown multiple times
  • Self-damage boosts yourself (enables hammer-jumping)
  • Reliably clean out inventory after warmup
  • Use better AdjustHitLocation for normal weapons


Client settings can be found in InstaGibPlus.ini under [ClientSettings]

  • Add setting bAllowWeaponShake
    • True - Weapons can shake the camera when fired (default)
    • False - Weapons cannot shake camera
  • Add setting BeamDestinationMode
    • 0 - SuperShockRifle beams end where they were ended on the shooters screen (default)
    • 1 - SuperShockRifle beams end at a fixed offset to the target that was shot
  • Add setting SSRRingType which controls the effect thats played at the point where a SuperShockRifle shot lands
    • 0 - Creates only an impact scorch-mark and plays a sound if the scorch-mark was created successfully
    • 1 - Creates the default impact effect (default)
    • 2 - Creates a team-colored impact effect
  • Add setting bAutoReady
    • True - You automatically ready up with your first spawn during warmup (default)
    • False - You need to manually ready up during warmup
  • Add command Ready which toggles ready-state during warmup
    • mutate ready, or saying r, rdy, ready, !rdy, !ready" are aliases for this command
  • Add setting DesiredNetspeed (default 25000) which contains a desired netspeed that IG+ will try to give you if possible within server restrictions.
    If, for example, DesiredNetspeed is set to 35000, but one server enforces 25000 max, while another server allows 50000, your netspeed would be 25000 on the first server, and 35000 on the second.
  • Add permanent FPS display top-right
    • Can be toggled using the ShowFPS console command
    • Setting in INI is bShowFPS (default false)
    • Displayed FPS are smoothed out using a filter, the strength of which can be controlled using FPSCounterSmoothingStrength (default 1000)
    • Setting FPSDetail controls how much information about your framerate is shown
      • 0 - Shows smoothed average FPS (default)
      • 1 - Additionally shows smoothed average frametime in milliseconds
      • 2 - Additionally shows smoothed standard deviation of frametime
      • 3 - Additionally shows min/max frametime, resets every 3 seconds
  • Add setting bHideOwnBeam
    • True - You will never see your own beams
    • False - You will see your own beams in the same style as that of everyone else (default)
    • Can be toggled using console command ShowOwnBeam
  • Add setting KillCamMinDelay, which delays entering Kill Cam for at least this long after death (default 0.0)
  • Add setting bUnlitSkins, server setting BrightskinMode must be >0 for this setting to have any effect
    • True - Player models can not be affected by surrounding lighting, making them appear to always have the same brightness (default)
    • False - Player models can be affected by surrounding lighting
  • Improve behavior of timer on HUD
    • Counts upwards from 00:00 during Overtime
    • No longer counts down at 5x speed after pausing the game
  • Add HitMarker, a visual indicator of whether and who you hit with your shots. Size of the HitMarker scales with damage inflicted.
    • Settings bEnableHitMarker and bEnableTeamHitMarker control whether to show a HitMarker when hitting enemies or team-mates respectively (default False)
    • Setting HitMarkerColorMode controls how color of HitMarker is decided
      • HMCM_FriendOrFoe - Uses HitMarkerColor and HitMarkerTeamColor for enemies and team-mates respectively (default)
      • HMCM_TeamColor - Colors HitMarker according to color of team the player you hit was on, or HitMarkerColor in Free-For-All games
    • Setting HitMarkerColor represents the color of the HitMarker when damaging enemies (default (R=255,G=0,B=0,A=255))
    • Setting HitMarkerTeamColor represents the color of the HitMarker when hitting team-mates (default (R=0,G=0,B=255,A=255))
    • Setting HitMarkerSize controls maximum size of the HitMarker (default 128)
    • Setting HitMarkerOffset controls how far away from the center of the screen the HitMarker is placed (default 32)
    • Setting HitMarkerDuration controls how long the HitMarker fades from screen over (default 0.3)
    • Setting HitMarkerDecayExponent controls the exponent of the curve that is used for fading out the HitMarker (default 5.0)
    • Setting HitMarkerSource controls which party creates the HitMarker on screen
      • HMSRC_Server - The server creates the HitMarker (accurate but slightly delayed response to shots) (default)
      • HMSRC_Client - The client creates the HitMarker (inaccurate but immediate response to shots, only works with IG+ weapons)
    • Command TestHitMarker <Damage> can be used to test HitMarker without having to actually hit enemies. It cycles through all teams and uses the Damage number you specified to calculate the size of the HitMarker
  • Reworked HitSounds
    • Deprecated settings HitSound, TeamHitSound, and bDisableForceHitSounds
    • Settings bEnableHitSounds (default True) and bEnableTeamHitSounds (default False) control whether you get an audible response to hitting enemies and team-mates respectively
    • Setting HitSoundSource controls where the HitSound originates from
      • HSSRC_Server - Server plays HitSound (accurate, but slightly delayed response) (default)
      • HSSRC_Client - Client plays HitSound (inaccurate, but immediate response, only works with IG+ weapons)
    • Setting SelectedHitSound controls which sound is played from the array of available sounds (see sHitSound) when hitting enemies (default 0)
    • Setting SelectedTeamHitSound controls which sound is played from the array of available sounds (see sHitSound) when hitting team-mates (default 2)
    • Setting HitSoundVolume controls the volume of the HitSound for enemies, range [0.0..6.0] (default 4.0)
    • Setting HitSoundTeamVolume controls the volume of the HitSound for team-mates, range [0.0..6.0] (default 4.0)
    • Setting bHitSoundPitchShift controls whether the HitSound is pitch-shifted depending on the amount of damage dealt to enemies (default True)
    • Setting bHitSoundTeamPitchShif controls whether the HitSound is pitch-shifted depending on the amount of damage dealt to team-mates (default False)
    • Add command TestHitSound <Damage> which plays a HitSound for given damage and cycles through teams that was hit. Use multiple times to play HitSound for different teams.
  • Add setting bDebugMovement
    • False - Movement events are not logged to demos (default)
    • True - Movement events are logged to demos


Server settings can be found in InstaGibPlus.ini under [InstaGibPlus6.UTPure]

  • Add setting bUseFlipAnimation
    • True - Players will use the flip animation when dodging forwards (default)
    • False - Players will use an animation similar to that of other directions when dodging forwards
  • Add setting BrightskinMode
    • 0 - No Brightskins allowed
    • 1 - Unlit skins allowed (default)
  • Add setting bEnableServerPacketReordering
    • False - Oldnet behavior, discarding out-of-order packets, use this if there are compatibility issues
    • True - Reordering packets if possible, may cause problems with other mods (default)
  • Add setting bEnableWallDodging
    • False - No wall-dodging allowed (default)
    • True - Wall-dodging enabled
  • Add setting MaxMultiDodges which controls how many dodges can be performed after the first one before landing (default 1). Only applies if bEnableWallDodging is True.
  • Add setting bDodgePreserveZMomentum
    • False - Dodging always gives the same Z velocity (default)
    • True - Adds dodge Z velocity to existing Z velocity from jumps/lifts, resulting in at least the dodge Z velocity, or more

InstaGib+ 5D

07 Dec 00:09
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  • Fix laggy first person view for spectators

InstaGib+ 5C

01 Dec 20:36
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  • Force SmoothMaskedTexture renderer-setting to False
  • Players are never considered to be ducking in mid-air anymore
  • SuperShockRifle reload-time is now always the same
  • Flip animation speed of non-forced models now always matches default
  • Improved crosshair accuracy when spectating players in 1st person
  • BehindView now focuses on head, instead of abdomen

InstaGib+ 5B

18 Oct 13:49
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  • Restored default movement speed upon landing
  • Added bEnableSingleButtonDodge server setting to control availability of the bDodge button
  • Fixed walking in air after dodge

InstaGib+ 5

11 Oct 13:44
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  • Fixed settings not persisting when changing forced skins through console commands
  • Improved EyeHeight algorithm
    • Stepping onto unwalkable ramps is no longer jarring
    • Landing is no longer jerky some of the time
  • Kill Cam no longer follows players behind walls
  • Added button bDodge which immediately dodges in the direction you are moving
    This checks movement direction in the following order:
    • Left / Right
    • Forward / Backward
  • Clients now smooth server corrections like UT v469, making them less jarring
  • Increased default DesiredNetUpdateRate to 250


  • Added KillCamDelay and KillCamDuration settings to control kill cam
  • Added bRestrictTrading (default True) setting
  • Added bJumpingPreservesMomentum setting to control bunny jumping


  • Prevent firing after end of game
  • Removed bunny jumping (can be reenabled by setting bJumpingPreservesMomentum to True in server settings)
  • Can now switch movement direction more quickly after landing
  • Velocity while dodging no longer depends on pitch of your aim when dodging (always same velocity now)
  • Release now contains a .int file to make IG+ mutators visible in server browser
  • IG+ is now built against UT v469a
  • Fixed desync between UT v469a clients/servers and older servers/clients respectively that could occur when using kickers or teleporters
    • Lifts/Triggers might still exhibit desync, which will be fixed with UT v469b
  • Fixed swJumpPads
  • Fixed server crashes on map change
  • Fixed dodging sometimes getting eaten by the server
  • Made dodging/jumping at low net update rates more reliable
  • Stopped camera rotation after death in demos
  • Removed custom implementation for changing names, using default instead

InstaGib+ 4B

13 Sep 13:33
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  • Fix swJumpPads not boosting players
  • Fix music not playing on maps
  • Fix collision estimation wrongly considering Spectators

InstaGib+ 4

12 Aug 22:18
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NOTE: The package name has changed. You will need to adjust ServerPackages and maybe ServerActors or MapVoting config.


  • From now on, the package name will change with every official release
  • Removed teleporter replacement code for improved compatibility with custom teleporters
  • Player-Player collisions should now be handled more gracefully server-side
  • Removed custom console code, which eliminated the requirement to build with a modified Engine.u
  • Fixed a regression where bouncers caused unnecessary forced position updates
  • Added documentation for most client and server settings


  • Client settings are now stored in InstaGibPlus.ini in the System folder, and are independent of the package name.
  • Added FakeCAPInterval setting to control frequency of updates sent by the server
  • SniperRifle now plays the same hitsound that the SuperShockRifle plays if the client detects a hit
  • Added bKillCamEnabled setting which, if set to true, causes the camera to follow the player that killed you for two seconds


  • Added bEnableServerExtrapolation which, if set to true, makes the server extrapolate out-of-date movement information for the missing time, in order to avoid warping
  • Added bEnableJitterBounding which, if set to true, lets the server generate an update for a player that hasnt sent an update for MaxJitterTime seconds
  • Fixed all code related to compensating warps of players
  • Fixed MaxTradeTimeMargin and made traded kills less likely by having the server estimate who shot first

InstaGib+ 3G

18 Jul 18:39
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  • Improve reliability of dodge input by not sending it greedily
  • Fix a crash caused by recursion in xxCreateDemoName, which occurred when a player had %l in his name
  • Improve visible warping of laggy players (this time for real, honest! Just like all the other times)
  • Fix a subtle TimeMargin bug that nobody should have noticed

InstaGib+ 3F

16 Jul 16:42
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  • Improve Dodging at high Framerates significantly

InstaGib+ 3E

13 Jul 21:03
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Client-Side (User.ini)

  • Backported improved mouse input from 469:
    • bNoSmoothing in INI turns off mouse smoothing entirely beyond what was possible in 436
      It is equivalent to the 469 setting bNoMouseSmoothing
    • bUseOldMouseInput controls whether to remember fractional rotation parts (=False) or not (=True)
  • Added option to disable own footsteps (bNoOwnFootsteps)

Server-Side (InstaGibPlus.ini)

  • Added an upper bound to how much time can pass after death while shots are still considered valid (MaxTradeTimeMargin)
    • Set to negative value to disable trading
    • As a guideline, set it to half of the maximum ping that you want to support fair hits for
    • Default is 0.1 seconds
  • Increased default MaxNetUpdateRate to 250


  • Added new EyeHeight algorithm
  • Fixed sounds for spectators
  • Fixed Auto-Screenshots
  • Fixed friendly-fire sometimes applying the wrong momentum amount
  • Fixed Bounce-pads occasionally applying their boost multiple times
  • Fixed a major source of unintended dodges
  • Fixed First Blood happening in warmup
  • Improved visible warping for players observing others with packet loss