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Releases: utspect/InstaGibPlus

InstaGib+ 10B

22 May 18:34
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  • Fix Netspeed Limiter
  • Remove FireAdjust limitations to restore Siege compatibility
    • Use ACE AntiTweak to prevent local changes to FireAdjust
    • AntiTweak needs ACE 1.3

Full Changelog: 10...10B

InstaGib+ 10

14 May 00:33
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  • Now uses a fixed section in InstaGibPlus.ini to store server settings ([ServerSettings])
    • This allows upgrading IG+ without adjusting settings
  • Add UTPure-style Fast Weapon Switch back
    • Controlled by setting bUseFastWeaponSwitch
    • This setting existed before, make sure you delete it before copying IG+ 9 settings over.
    • @w0ss4g3 contributed here
  • Added ability for server admins to use setting-presets through URL parameters
    • ?IGPlusSettings=<Name>
      • <Name> is the name of the section inside InstaGibPlus.ini that contains the settings
  • Added ability for server admins to use weapon settings presets
    • ?IGPlusWeaponSettings=<Name>
  • Made projectiles more closely match whats happening on the server
    • This reduces incidents of rockets disappearing
    • Translocator disk being damaged while in the air now better visualizes the change in trajectory
  • Rocket Launcher is now more consistent and predictable in how rockets are launched (@w0ss4g3)
  • Minigun spin up/down times are now configurable (by @w0ss4g3)
  • Added command IGPlus_FOV <NewFOV> which changes the FOV without storing the change in the INI
    • This command does not cause the lag usually associated with a change in FOV
  • Boosting yourself using the Impact Hammer is now simulated on your client, making the boost less laggy on high ping
  • Fix warning spam in log files
  • Various fixes to AutoDemo
    • AutoDemo now stops recording demos shortly after the game ended
    • AutoDemo now works even if the map has ] and/or [ in its name
    • Downside: AutoDemo now tries to start recording demos even if a demo is already being recorded
  • Dual Enforcer is now configurable
  • Various netcode fixes that reduce stuttering on high ping if bEnableLoosePositionCheck is False
  • Timing of dodges is now no longer affected by the players ping
  • Fixed server crash by AutoPause if multiple players get disconnected in the same frame
  • Fixed players retaining their weapons if they died while feigning death

Shoutout to @w0ss4g3 for his work around weapon switching.
Shoutout to the TDM community and especially to rX for their patience while testing various buggy versions and their constructive communication.

Full Changelog: 9...10

InstaGib+ 9

03 Sep 18:37
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Location Offset Fix

Replaces the built-in movement prediction for other players on clients. The replacement allows for better prediction on ramps and more closely following the actual replicated position.

The difference can be seen in the following videos where the servers location is shown as a yellow wireframe and the actually used location on the client is shown normally.

  • Add client setting bEnableLocationOffsetFix
    • Default True
    • If True, replace base game location prediction for other human players.
      • Also stores location data for all players as received from the server in demos
    • If False, use base game location prediction for other players.

This feature might have side-effects when used with other mutators due to how it works. A good troubleshooting step might be to disable this feature and see if problems persist.

Warp Fix

Locally resets players to the latest position sent by the server after not receiving location updates for a certain amount of time. Intended to prevent players that are no longer sending updates from being extrapolated infinitely and becoming unhittable because clients dont show these players at the server location anymore.

  • Add server setting WarpFixDelay
    • Default 0.25
    • Time in seconds after which players no longer sending updates get relocated to their last known location
  • Add server setting bEnableWarpFix
    • Default True
    • If True, resets other players to their last known location after WarpFixDelay seconds
    • If False, never reset players to their last known location.

It's worth noting that if enabled, additional data has to be transferred to all players, which increases traffic. No additional data is transferred if this feature is disabled.

Crosshair Factory Menu

Added a menu for creating custom crosshairs using the Crosshair Factory. It can be found by clicking on the Crosshair Settings button at the bottom of the IG+ Settings menu.


Fragger Arena

Added MutFraggerArena mutator that gives players a custom SniperRifle and a Translocator. The SniperRifle is inaccurate while walking or running and accurate while standing still or crouching. It also fires much faster when not walking or running. Addditionally the custom SniperRifle has two custom scopes and a way to show the default crosshair when zooming.

  • Add client setting FraggerScopeChoice
    • FSC_None - Use standard crosshair when zooming
    • FSC_Moveable - Custom zoom scope with indicators how far zoomed in you are (Default)
    • FSC_Static - Alternative custom zoom scope


  • Add server setting bAlwaysRenderFlagCarrier
    • If True, shows a flag symbol through walls to indicate where your teams flag carrier is
    • If False, dont show anything (Default)
  • Add server setting bAlwaysRenderDroppedFlag
    • If True, show a flag symbol through walls to indicate where your teams flag was dropped
    • If False, dont show anything (Default)


  • Prevent accidental shots by ShockRifle (pressing and releasing Fire during reload still fired a shot)
  • Never unready on first spawn during warmup
  • Hid message about damage your translocator disk took
  • Reduced speed of animations to default
  • Replace Fast Weapon Switch with settings to control animation speed of selecting weapons and putting them away
  • Increase pitch range for hitsounds to include maximum damage of a shock-rifle combo
  • Make bClientDualButtonSwitch setting of 469 client work even shortly after respawn
  • Reload hitsounds when saving IG+ settings through menu to allow changing hitsounds without reconnecting
  • Improve error message for teleporters incompatible with multiplayer
  • Make Kill Feed show up in demos
  • Replicate pausing/unpausing as soon as possible to clients

Full Changelog: 8...9

InstaGib+ 8B

09 Oct 18:34
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  • Fix Dual Button Switch setting for Translocator
  • Show respawn effects to spectators
  • Improve warping when the game is unpaused (meaning less warping)
  • Improve general performance

Update (2021-10-10): Previous binaries didnt contain latest changes. Binaries have been updated.

InstaGib+ 8

12 Sep 13:32
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  • Show armor when spectating players (does not show type of armor)
  • Add Setting bEnableJitterBounding for servers
    • Prevents players from having more than MaxJitterTime seconds under their control
    • Only useful when players are dropping packets, not when they arrive bunched up
  • Accurately replicate (Alt)Fire events from clients to servers
  • Add KillFeed mutator (MutKillFeed)
    • Shows 4 most recent kills using weapon symbols
    • Layout is always:
    • Console death messages are hidden when KillFeed is shown
    • Added Settings for clients
      • bEnableKillFeed - enable or disable KillFeed, only applies if mutator is in use (default True )
      • KillFeedX - Horizontal relative position of KillFeed on screen (0..1) (default 0.0)
      • KillFeedY - Vertical relative position of KillFeed on screen (0..1) (default 0.5)
      • KillFeedSpeed - Linear factor on speed of feed, <1 makes lines disappear more slowly, >1 makes them disappear more quickly (default 1)
      • KillFeedScale - Scales the size of individual lines of the KillFeed (default 1)
  • Add a Settings menu
    • Can be opened using console command IGPlusMenu or by typing !igplusmenu in all-chat
  • Add Setting bOldLandingMomentum for servers
    • True - Momentum while in the air is preserved on landing, regardless of where players want to move to after landing (default)
    • False - Momentum can be cancelled upon landing by moving in the opposite direction
  • Servers now dont always update position to match players position exactly, only when difference is large enough
  • Fix TeleporterZones
  • Fix headshot detection
  • Fix crouch hit detection
  • Improve Flip animation for female models that were forced
  • Fix spurious console messages when spawning on teleporters

InstaGib+ 7B

12 Jun 22:50
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  • Fix respawn effects not showing with HighDetailMode set to False
  • Fix getting 60 ammo for Enforcer on spawn instead of intended 30
  • Fix a few "Accessed None" errors

InstaGib+ 7

09 Jun 22:00
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  • Support for lag-uncompensated normal weapons
    • InstaGibPlus7.ST_Mutator is responsible for replacing weapons
    • Replacement can be disabled for individual weapons in InstaGibPlus.ini, section [WeaponSettingsOldNet]
    • InstaGib servers should no longer run ST_Mutator
  • Fixed zoom on SniperRifle
  • Reworked PulseGun secondary fire:
    • Beam now hits what the crosshair is aiming at
    • "Sawing" removed
    • Damage output rounding improved
  • Optimized network bandwidth usage
  • Compatibility with JumpPadDM
  • Reworked the way boosts from weapons are applied
  • Added ability to scale all Players


  • Added Command ZoomToggle
    • Toggles between your preferred FOV and 80
    • Takes up to two parameters, requires at least one parameter
    • If only one parameter is passed in, both X and Y mouse sensitivity are changed at the same time
    • If two parameters are passed in, the first changes mouse X sensitivity, the second changes mouse Y sensitivity
    • 1.0 makes mouse sensitivity stay the same, 0.5 halves the sensitivity, 2.0 doubles it (generally undesirable)
  • Added setting bReduceEyeHeightInAir which if enabled reduces your EyeHeight while in the air (similar to default game)
  • Added setting FPSLocationX and FPSLocationY to control where on screen the FPS information is shown
  • Added setting bShowDeathReport which if enabled shows a report of damage taken after your death
  • Added setting bSmoothFOVChanges which if enabled smooths out changes to your FOV
  • Added a way to force individual skins for all other players


  • Added setting bEnableLoosePositionCheck
  • Added setting bPlayersAlwaysRelevant
  • Added setting PlayerScale
    • Linear factor on collision and DrawScale
  • Added a way for servers to force client settings (initial and permanent)
    • Server admins are advised to only provide better defaults for their communities, not force general settings
    • Many relevant client settings can be controlled by the server already, this does not replace those mechanisms

InstaGib+ 6D

21 Mar 10:01
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  • Fixed Warping when first moving, and after unpausing
  • Fixed HUD clock around pauses
  • Scoreboard is automatically hidden after game start countdown
  • Restored Flip animation correction
  • Fixed a bug where respawning players could sometimes pick up items from the place where they died

InstaGib+ 6C

15 Mar 11:21
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  • Fix ServerQuery removing one player from output
  • Improve handling of Teleporters that change velocity
  • Fix ClickBoard behavior when switching bTournament
  • Fix crashes affecting pre-469 versions of UT

InstaGib+ 6B

08 Mar 00:05
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  • Reverted optimization of forced skins that didnt work correctly
  • Prevent shots after end of game, take two
  • Fix a crash of clients that reconnect during countdown from warmup
  • Fix swJumpPads that didnt target swJumpPads
  • Fix adherence to MaxClientRate, DesiredNetspeed can now adjust MaxClientRate if necessary