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Conventions to be used in book
- All distributions are written \mathit{Distribution}
- log-normal:
- log-normal in the text
- \mathit{LogNormal} in sampling statements
- \Theta for arbitrary parameters
- \theta for bernoulli/binomial
- \boldsymbol{\theta} for categorical, multinomial
- y for arbitrary data
- all vectors and parameters are in bold
- iterate over observations with n = {1,2,..,N}
- iterate over subjects with i = {1,2,..,N_subj}
- iterate over items with j = {1,2,..,N_item}
- we use the Gelman/stan notation: u[subj[nrow]] to indicate the adjustment that corresponds to the subject subj[nrow]
- we start from 1 rather than 0.
Follows this https://style.tidyverse.org/
We need to work on something like this (This can change a lot.):
- dataframe with data of Grodner and Gibson 2008
- dataframe with fake data
- list with data of Grodner and Gibson 2008
- Stan fit with a lognormal model of data of Grodner and Gibson 2008
- dataframe version of the Stan fit with a lognormal model of data of Grodner and Gibson 2008
- list version of the Stan fit with a lognormal model of data of Grodner and Gibson 2008
Need to decide and be consistent on the following:
- italics?
- use of "
- both?
- what about a linguistic example in, say, German, and it's translation?
E.g., and i.e., etc., have to be followed by a comma.
Figure is always Figure, not Fig, Fig., etc. (I have also made this mistake, am fixing it now).
Never use "We here". This is not idiomatic English.
Never use "allows to". This is not English. It has to be "allows us to" or "allows the researcher to", etc.
Never use "Note that" unless there is really no other way to say this.
"to the contrary" is not really used correctly, and it is also not idiomatic English. Just by "By contrast", and always begin a sentence with "By contrast", don't put it in the middle of the sentence; placing it initially prepares the reader for a contrast and improves readability.
data set rather than dataset or data-set
can not does not mean the same thing as cannot; we use "can not" incorrectly in the book. (I fixed these cases).
Use learned and not learnt.
data frame rather than data-frame, and dataframe
Punctuation should always be contained within single or double quotes, e.g., when ending a sentence. So, write: "this is the end of a sentence." and not "this is the end of a sentence".
Add to header
options( htmltools.dir.version = FALSE, formatR.indent = 2, width = 70, digits = 3, signif = 2, warnPartialMatchAttr = FALSE, warnPartialMatchDollar = FALSE, # Don't use scientific notation: scipen=10, # tibbles: tibble.width = Inf, tibble.print_max = 3, tibble.print_min = 3, dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE, tinytex.clean = FALSE #keeps the aux file for xr package )