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Available Jobs

Volker Hilsheimer edited this page Feb 1, 2022 · 6 revisions

Jobs are script files that can be executed from the CLI on the host on one or more machines using the run command. The run command supports a number of command line options which need to be specified after run, and before the name of the job that should be run, e.g.

$ minicoin run --verbose --console build --target Widgets windows10

--verbose and --console are options of run, whereas --target is an option for the build job.

For a list of supported run options as well as available jobs, run

$ minicoin run --help

Jobs are defined in the jobs folder, and each subfolder represents a job that can be executed on machines. Jobs can receive command line arguments, access the host file system via folder sharing, and use the software installed through provisioning steps.


The most important job is:

$ minicoin run build [machines...]

This job builds the local source tree on the listed machines. The local source tree can be a toplevel Qt repo, a single Qt module, or a Qt project. The Qt toolkit from the last build of qtbase will be used.


Installs a Qt package on the guest using the Qt online installer. Qt Account information from the host is copied to the VM. Once the installation is complete, the build will will use the newly installed Qt version to build Qt projects.


Run ctest on the guest. This gives more control over the execution of unit tests than using the build job with a _check target. Trailing command line parameters will be passed through to ctest.


Finds an executable on the guest that matches the host working directory, and launches it. This is done in an interactive session with the PATH environment set to the latest Qt installed or built, making it possible to launch a UI application remotely.

See Defining Jobs for documentation on how to implement jobs.