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Building Qt

Volker Hilsheimer edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 2 revisions

Previous: Configure local minicoin

Now that minicoin is configured to make the most out of the local hardware and to keep a synchronized copy of the Qt sources on the VMs, and that the windows11 machine is booted and provisioned, it's time to start building Qt. This tutorial assumes that the dev branch of the Qt super repository is checked out in ~/qt/dev, which is also the path we added to the mutagen sync in the previous tutorial. Adjust the steps according to your local setup.

Running a build job

Running a workload on the VM is done using the minicoin run command. The run command can execute a predefined job on the machine, and will use the current working directory on the host system to decide what files the job should work on.

First, lets check what jobs there are available:

$ minicoin run --help`

This will list all available jobs, a number of command line options for the run command, and standard options minicoin has inherited from vagrant. In this tutorial, we are using the build job, which configures and builds the Qt project in the current directory. That project can be Qt itself (either a toplevel build or a submodule), or a project using Qt - as long as there's a CMakeLists.txt file or a .pro project file for qmake, and as long as Qt has been built or installed on the VM, the build job will be able to execute the build.

Let's see what the build job can do:

$ minicoin run build --help

This will print options that can be passed to the build job, such as --configure, --target, or --clean. For this first run, we only want to build the Core module of Qt, and we want to use the top-level build system from the qt5.git repository.

$ cd ~/qt/dev
$ minicoin run build --target Core windows11

This will configure the Qt that lives in ~/qt/dev, and then build the Core target. How long that takes and how much output is generated depends on what other modules are currently checked out in your ~/qt/dev source tree. The build tree on the VM will be C:\Users\vagrant\dev-build.

Job output processing

minicoin defines a number of pattern matchers for the output from common compilers so that warnings and errors are highlighted in yellow and red, and sent to the stderr stream rather than stdout. These matchers are configured through job-specific YAML files, and can be modified with user specific overrides as well.

At the end of this job you should see the output from the configuration and build of Qt, perhaps with a few yellow warnings in the output, and with a last line "==> windows11: Job generated 1 problem messages" to inform you about warnings that might have been generated during the build (it's hard to write C++ that doesn't generate warnings with any compiler).

Running a test

The build job can build any target that the build system supports, which in the case of Qt includes the _check targets for the auto tests. Let's make sure that our VM is not only correctly set up to run a build, but that we can also run some UI tests.

$ minicoin run build --target tst_QLineEdit_check windows11

This will do exactly the same as a local execution of

$ ninja tst_QLineEdit_check

Except that it will happen on the VM - which also means that we don't get disturbed by a lot of QLineEdit test windows opening up around us on our work station.

If we want to see what's going on in the VM, we can bring up the UI of the VM with

$ minicoin gui windows11

and see the windows opening and closing once the test starts running, without any interference with our own mouse cursor.

Once the test run is complete, we should see the output from the auto test in our local terminal, with PASSing test functions marked in green, hopefully no red lines for FAILures, and perhaps a few yellow lines for skipped tests.

Next: Continuously running unit tests in a local VM