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Draft ProjectCharter

Tom Kralidis edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

wis2box project 0.1.0 Project Charter


wis2box project 0.1.0 Project Charter


The WMO Information System (WIS) is a coordinated global infrastructure responsible for telecommunications and data management functions and is owned and operated by WMO Members.

WIS 2.0 will provide users with seamless access to diverse information from a wide range of sources and will enable weather, water and climate information to be related to socioeconomic and other contexts. Through an open ecosystem of tools, applications and services, WIS 2.0 will allow all information providers to manage, publish and share their data, products and services, and will allow all users to develop value-added services and new products.

The WIS 2.0 principles highlight and promote the value of standards, interoperability and the Web/mass market. This will extend the reach of weather/climate/water data for a number of societal benefits.

WIS 2.0 is being designed to have a low barrier to entry for data providers. This will also result in enabling infrastructure and provide great benefit for less developed countries (LDCs). There is a strong motivation to provide LDCs easy to use tools and sustainable workflow for data exchange to 1./ ease the burden of exchanging data 2./ continue to provide valuable weather/climate/water data in WIS 2.0 over time.

There is a need, in alignment with the WIS 2.0 architecture, to set up a project with the aim to develop a “WIS 2.0 a Box for the LDCs” to support the implementation of WIS 2.0 in LDCs. The project will enable LDCs onboarding technology to integrate their existing and future data holdings and publish them to WIS 2.0 in a manner consistent with the architecture for plug and play capability, supporting discovery and access.

wis2box 0.1.0 will be built as a minimal viable product in support of continuous and reliable provision of hourly real-time data from automatic weather stations to GDPFS Centers in BUFR format through WIS 2.0 Message Queuing Protocols (MQP) and data/metadata APIs.

Value proposition

Developing a low barrier toolkit that can operate on low cost hardware provides a simple and cost efficient implementation when cloud or HPC solutions are not feasible or desirable. Providing an enabling toolkit that can run with minimal dependencies will result in increased weather/climate/water data flowing into WIS 2.0, to the benefit of members, mass market platforms and beyond.


Project team

  • Enrico Fucile: project manager
  • Tom Kralidis: architect/lead developer
  • WMO Secretariat: TBD

Project board/sponsors

  • SC-IMT
  • WIS 2.0 Architecture and Transition (W2AT)

Project goal

The goal of the project is to create an initial wis2box product for installation and operation by a Least Developed Country, initially the Malawi Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) and by Small Islands Developing States (SIDS).

Clients and Benefits


Primary clients are the LDCs and SIDS. Potentially any WMO Member willing to implement WIS 2.0 using an open-source solution can be a client.


  • low barrier publishing of real-time observations to WIS 2.0 architecture and mass-market platforms



  • hourly real-time weather observations for public dissemination


  • access control / protected data


  • SC-IMT: project sponsor
  • ET-W2AT: consultation
  • ET-Metadata/TT-WISMD: implementation
  • ET-IS/TT-Protocols: implementation/consultation
  • WMO Secretariat: implementation
  • SIDS (TBD)

Assumptions and Constraints


  • existing data generation mechanisms exist at SIDS to feed publishing into wis2box
  • transformation tooling exists to support the Data Transformer
  • all wis2box code and workflow is documented and reproducible


  • resources
  • priorities
  • varying timezones of project team

Risks and Issues

  • resources/timing
  • availability of target environment at SIDS

Project Deliverables

  • wis2box 0.1.0 release
  • Project control documents
    • Design documentation
    • Execution plan
    • Operations and maintenance plan

Milestones and Timelines

Milestone Delivery Date Description
Design YYYY-MM-DD design documentataion
Implementation YYYY-MM-DD tooling
Testing YYYY-MM-DD testing/validation,execution plan
Deployment YYYY-MM-DD operations and maintenance plan
Documentation YYYY-MM-DD project documentation
Retrospection/closure YYYY-MM-DD project retrospection

Resource Estimates

Role Name(s) Level of Effort
project leads TBD TBD
implementation/tooling TBD TBD
testing TBD TBD
documenattion TBD TBD

Project Control

  • weekly project meetings