I wanted a way to keep track of how much waste I was generating just to be more environmentally conscious. So I created this project as an automated way to help keep track of waste accumulation through fullness measurements while also taking pictures of the objects thrown away.
This is the first step of a multi-part project of creating a smart waste ecosystem called ZotBins, which is already deployed at UCI. Currently, I am helping to further expand the concept of ZotBins where any city, business, university, classroom, or home could implement a smart waste system. This open-source version ZotBins is called ZotBins Community Edition (ZBCE). To learn more about this initiative please visit the ZotBins Community Edition Blog
Please follow the appropriate build guide for the waste watcher version of your choosing.
- Waste Watcher Guide
- Measures bin fullness and collects waste images
- Saves data and images to HTTP server
- Syncs with NTP Client to generate UTC datetime stamps
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