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MTC TVPB Test Data

Ben Stabler edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 24 revisions

The table below describes the conversions from MTC TM2 to activitysim format for testing TVPB tour mode choice. This table was revised 08/07/20.

Type TM2 File(s) Reference Asim File Notes
synthetic population households.csv, householdData_3.csv final_households.csv HHs with fields required for tour mode choice
synthetic population persons.csv, personData_3.csv final_persons.csv Persons with fields required for tour mode choice
zone land use maz_data.csv, accessibilities.csv, mgraParkingCost.csv final_land_use.csv MAZ land use inputs, parking costs, and origin and destination accessibility measures required for tour mode choice
tours indivTourData_3.csv, jointTourData_3.csv final_tours.csv Individual and joint tours with fields required for tour mode choice
tour participation indivTourData_3.csv, jointTourData_3.csv final_joint_tour_participants.csv Person joint tour participation table
person windows indivTourData_3.csv, jointTourData_3.csv final_person_windows.csv Empty person time availability by time period. This table needs to exist for restarting after non_mandatory_tour_scheduling, which is before tour_mode_choice_simulate. Restarting after non_mandatory_tour_scheduling means reloading the non_mandatory_tour_scheduling model versions of the pipeline tables.
network LOS CSV files ped_distance_maz_maz.txt maz_to_maz_walk.csv fields ['OMAZ', 'DMAZ', 'DISTWALK', 'TIMEWALK', etc.], with fields required for tour mode choice
network LOS CSV files bike_distance_maz_maz.txt maz_to_maz_bike.csv fields ['OMAZ', 'DMAZ', 'DISTBIKE', 'TIMEBIKE', etc.], with fields required for tour mode choice
network LOS CSV files ped_distance_maz_tap.txt walk_maz_taps.csv fields ['MAZ', 'TAP', 'DISTWALK', 'TIMEWALK', etc.], with fields required for tour mode choice
network LOS CSV files drive_maz_taz_tap.csv maz_to_tap_drive.csv fields ['MAZ', 'TAP', 'DIST', 'drive_time', etc.], with fields required for tour mode choice
network LOS OMX skims HWYSKM{TIME_PERIOD}_taz.tpp taz_skims_{TIME_PERIOD}.omx existing skim name + "__{TIME_PERIOD}", for example "TIMEDA__PM" since all skims in asim need a unique key regardless of input file, time period, etc.
network LOS OMX skims transit_skims_{TIME_PERIOD}_{SET}.TPP tap_skims_{TIME_PERIOD}_{SET}.omx existing skim name + "{SET}{TIME_PERIOD}", for example "IWAIT__SET1__PM" since all skims in asim need a unique key regardless of input file, time period, etc.
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