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Docker Install

Tiffany edited this page Oct 6, 2022 · 5 revisions

Setting up environment variables

Set the following additional environment variables:

export MONGO_ADMIN_URL="mongodb://admin-user:admin-password@mongo:27017/admin" #This is only a local value.  It will be different in production
export MONGO_URL="mongodb://mongo:cms@mongo:27017/eapd?authSource=admin" #This is only a local value.  It will be different in production
export MONGO_DATABASE="eapd" #This is only a local value.  It will be different in production

Potential WSL Gotcha: If you have recently installed docker on WSL, you will need to unset DOCKER_HOST and then restart docker. Also, if you are running on a firewall make sure to grant access to npm and yarn.

Create the containers

From your command line, switch to the root directory of the code and then run:

yarn install
yarn build
docker-compose up -d

This will do several things:

  1. create a PostgreSQL database in a container
  2. create a MongoDB database in a container
  3. create a container for the API server, download all of its dependencies, and hook it up to the database
  4. create a container for the web application, download all of its dependencies, and build it

This could take a few minutes. Once it's finished, everything is installed, configured, and running. However, the database will still be empty, so that needs to be created and populated with starter data. To do that, while the docker process is still running, open a new terminal window or tab and run:

Generating the databases and seeding the data

docker-compose exec api yarn run migrate
docker-compose exec api yarn run seed

This will create database tables and put some data the MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases so that the app can run, like the list of states and territories and a user account you can use to log into the app.

Using the application

You should now be able to open the app at http://localhost:8080. You can login with any of the accounts that you made above. The account has the role of state admin. The rest have roles that match their usernames. This is handled in the seed and does not need to be set in Okta.

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