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Infrastructure Contingency Plan

Bill Brooks edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

Infrastructure Contingency Plan - DRAFT

In this document you will find our plans for recovering from an infrastructure emergency. Our infrastructure is currently provisioned by CircleCI leveraging a BASH script that contains awscli commands. This script takes environment variables fed to it from CircleCI or through the command line. It then builds out either the production instance or the staging instance, depending on the environment variables, and connects it to the corresponding database. Here are our plans for Infrastructure emergencies.

Infrastructure Emergencies that require rebuilding an instance

1a. Log into the CircleCI interface
1b. Locate the last successful production release
1c. Re-run the last successful production release
1d. After CircleCI reports that the build is complete, wait a few minutes
1e. Check the site AND try to log in

Infrastructure Emergencies that require rebuilding an instance without CircleCI

2a. Make sure you have the latest version of master from the eAPD GitHug repo
2b. Change directories to the /bin/prod-deploy
2c. Run the script with the appropriate flags, documented in the file
2d. Check the site AND try to log in

Recover RDS PostGres DB

  • Database Recovery Plan

  • Currently there are pieces of our infrastructure/networking that we do not control and in the event of a total failure of our AWS region, low risk, we would be at the mercy of outside entities to provision a new environment for us.

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Recovery Plans

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