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Testing and Bug Filing

NAretakis edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 4 revisions



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Manual testing

We use automated testing tools to make sure that our software works as well as possible, but automated testing doesn't catch everything. That's why we also do regular manual testing.

  1. Reference the checklist of testing scenarios based on our use cases
    • Run through checklist once a sprint
  2. Play with features as they're released
  3. As bugs are found, file them according to our bug filing process

Filing bugs

When you find a bug, you should file it so that we can address it!

  1. Double check the bug to make sure you can reproduce it
  2. File a new issue about the bug
  3. Describe the bug in the body of the issue
    • Write steps for how to reproduce the bug
    • Add a screenshot or GIF if you can!
  4. Add a label to mark it as a bug
  5. Add a label to mark the severity of the bug
    • Severity 1: the experience cannot be completed
    • Severity 2: a workaround exists but the experience has serious flaws
    • Severity 3: the experience is unpolished
  6. Don't add it to project board (don't put it in the backlog); bugs will get added to the task board during triage

Bug triage

Product leads bug triage.

  1. Mark the priority of fixing the bug (priority cannot be higher than the priority of the experience the bug applies to)
  2. Take appropriate action
    • If the bug should be fixed, pull it into the backlog so that it gets assigned to someone to fix
    • If the bug should not be fixed, add a comment explaining why and then close it

How we work

eAPD documentation

Design documentation

Technical documentation

Operations and Support documentation

Recovery Plans

Operations Runbooks

Quality Documentation

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