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Mail Handling MacOS

Josh Bruce edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 3 revisions

The easy way

  1. Launch Mail for MacOS.
  2. Create a new mailbox (recommended name: @GitHub) and put it somewhere you can easily get to.
  3. Select an email you received from GitHub (could be anywhere).
  4. Click "Mail" in the top-left portion of your screen.
  5. Click "Preferences".
  6. Click the "Rules" tab.
  7. Click "Add Rule" from the options on the right.
  8. Add a description (GitHub handler, for example).
  9. Select "all" from the option: If [any or all]...
  10. Select "From" from the options on the next line.
  1. Click the plus sign to add another rule.
  2. Select "Message content" from the dropdown.
  • Change "contains" to "does not contain".
  1. Enter your GitHub handle prefixed with the at (@) sign: @johnnyappleseed
  2. Select "move message" from the actions to perform.
  3. Select the mailbox you created in step 2.
  4. Click "ok".
  5. At some point you should be asked whether to apply the rules now. Click "apply".

Your inbox should now be free of GitHub messages - except those messages where you have been explicitly identified via "@johnnyappleseed" in the message.

Now you can subscribe to any conversation on GitHub, without getting bogged down in email notifications.

The hard way

Don't select a GitHub message - and type everything in manually. :)