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Viewing someone elses pull request

Josh Bruce edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Viewing someone else's pull request

Someone has submitted a pull request. You want to review it to make suggestions or determine if you want to accept and merge the changes, but you have absolutely no idea what is going on.

There's a way to do it. (Note: It appears only those with the ability to merge the pull request can do this.)

Checking out pull requests

The user interface way

  1. Look at the pull request.
  2. At the bottom of the pull request, there should be a link that says, "Open this in GitHub Desktop".
  3. The contents of the pull request will be downloaded to your computer.
  4. You will also be "viewing" that pull request.
  5. Therefore, if you can examine the files in the directory, you will see the files as submitted by the person requesting the pull request.

The Terminal way

  1. $ cd ~/path/to/repository
  2. $ git fetch origin pull/[pull request id]/head:[branch name]
  3. $ git checkout [branch name]