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Michael Rybintsev edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 27 revisions


Search for document and folders


Searching for documents

When searching for a document the response will be an set of results, each with a score and a link to the document that was found.



GET /files/search/documents?query=something&workspaceids=1,2,3&from=2017-01-01T12%3A02%3A02Z&includecontent=false HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/
Authorization: OAuth2 frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


    <link rel="self" href="..." />
            <document title="something" description="document description">
                <link rel="self" href="..." />
                 ... other document elements ...


Name Description Methods Optional
query The term to search for (truncates to 150 characters). Searches Title, Description and Tag fields. Optionally searches Body field if includecontent is set. GET No
pagesize The maximum number of elements to return, between 1 - 100. Default: 100 GET Yes
workspaceids A comma separated lists of workspace ids GET Yes
from The date to start the search from in encoded ISO 8601 format GET Yes
to The date to search up until in encoded ISO 8601 format GET Yes
includecontent Whether to consider document content within the search (default is false) GET Yes

Filter by workspaces

The workspaceids parameter is optional. If you do not provide it search will return results from all the workspaces that the user has access to.

Although optional, we strongly encourage you to provide a list of workspaces to search within.

GET /files/search/documents?query=something&workspaceids=1,3 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/
Authorization: OAuth2 frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


Name Description
result A result element is a representation of the single search result.

Link relations

Name Description Methods
self The current URI of this search. GET


start = results

results = element h:results {

result = element h:result {
  element h:score{ xsd:float },
  element h:document{}

Searching for folders

When searching for folders the response will be an array of results, each with a score, and the folder that was found.



GET /files/search/folders?query=something&workspaceids=1&from=2017-01-01T12%3A02%3A02Z HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/
Authorization: OAuth2 frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


    <link rel="self" href="..." />
            <folder title="something" description="folder description">
                <links rel="self" href="..." />
                <links rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
                <actors name="document owner" email="" rel="owner">
               		<links rel="self" href="https://..." />
               		<links rel="avatar" href="https://..." />
               		<links rel="alternate" href="https://..." type="text/html" />
		        <updated>Thu, 07 Feb 2013 12:12:58 GMT</updated>
        		<created>Thu, 06 Dec 2012 17:43:40 GMT</created>
        		<workspace title="workspace title">
        		        <links rel="self" href="https://..." />


Name Description Methods Optional
query The term to search for (truncates to 150 characters) GET No
pagesize The maximum number of elements to return, between 1 - 100. Default: 100 GET Yes
workspaceids A comma separated lists of workspace ids GET Yes
from The date to start the search from in encoded ISO 8601 format GET Yes
to The date to search up until in encoded ISO 8601 format GET Yes

Filter by workspaces

The workspaceids parameter is optional. If you do not provide it search will return results from all the workspaces that the user has access to.

Searching for tasks

When searching for tasks the response will be an array of results, each with a score, and the task that was found. The task's title, description and comments.



GET /tasks/events/search?query=something&workspaceids=1&from=2013-01-01T12%3A02%3A02Z HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/
Authorization: OAuth2 frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty

XML Response

    <link rel="self" href="..." />
            <task title="something" description="task description">
                <links rel="self" href="..." />
                <links rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
                <actor name="Task Owner" email="" rel="owner">
               		<links rel="self" href="https://..." />
               		<links rel="avatar" href="https://..." type="image/jpeg" />
               		<links rel="alternate" href="https://..." type="text/html" />
                <actor name="Task Updater" email="" rel="updated-by">
               		<links rel="self" href="https://..." />
               		<links rel="avatar" href="https://..." type="image/jpeg" />
               		<links rel="alternate" href="https://..." type="text/html" />
		        <updated>Thu, 07 Feb 2013 12:12:58 GMT</updated>
		        <created>Thu, 06 Dec 2012 17:43:40 GMT</created>
		        <workspace title="workspace title">
		            <links rel="self" href="https://..." />
		            <links rel="alternate" href="https://..." type="text/html" />

JSON Response

    "results": [{
        "score": 100.0,
        "task": {
            "links": [
                { "rel": "self", "href": "..." },
                { "rel": "alternate", "href": "...", "type": "text/html" }
            "actors": [{
                "name": "Jimmy Snake",
                "email": "",
                "rel": "owner",
                "links": [
                    { "rel": "self", "href": ".." },
                    { "rel": "avatar", "href": "..", "type": "image/jpeg" },
                    { "rel": "alternate", "href": "..", "type": "text/html" }
            }, {
                "name": "John Doe",
                "email": "",
                "rel": "updated-by",
                "links": [
                    { "rel": "self", "href": ".." },
                    { "rel": "avatar", "href": "..", "type": "image/jpeg" },
                    { "rel": "alternate", "href": "..", "type": "text/html" }
            "title": "something",
            "description": "task description",
            "status": "NotStarted",
            "created": "Thu, 07 Feb 2013 12:12:58 GMT",
            "updated": "Thu, 06 Dec 2012 17:43:40 GMT",
            "workspace": {
                "title": "workspace title",
                "links": [
                    { "rel": "self", "href": "..." },
                    { "rel": "alternate", "href": "...", "type": "text/html }
    "links": [
        { "rel": "self", "href": "..." }


Name Description Methods Optional
query The term to search for (truncates to 150 characters) GET No
pagesize The maximum number of elements to return, between 1 - 100. Default: 100 GET Yes
workspaceids A comma separated lists of workspace ids GET Yes
from The (task updated) date to start the search from in encoded ISO 8601 format GET Yes

Filter by workspaces

The workspaceids parameter is optional. If you do not provide it search will return results from all the workspaces that the user has access to.

Query Language

Wildcards * and ? not supported.


Single Term (single word): hello

Phrase (group of words): "hello huddle"

Boolean Operators


"hello huddle" Wednesday

"hello huddle" OR Wednesday

"hello huddle" OR "Wednesday morning"


"hello huddle" AND Wednesday

"hello huddle" AND "Wednesday morning"

Escaping Special Characters

Lucene supports escaping special characters that are part of the query syntax. The current list special characters are:

    • & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ *? : *

To escape these character use the \ before the character. For example to search for (1+1):2 use the query:


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