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Toby Henderson edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 3 revisions


These apis are now deprecated

We are creating a new REST api for tasks

Task collections represent groups of tasks. The create task collection operation provides a convenient means by which a number of tasks each with start dates differing by a specified interval can be created at the same time. The delete task collection operation provides a convenient way to delete all the tasks that were created as part of a collection.

When creating tasks by using the task collection API endpoint, all tasks will initially share the same title, description, status, owner, assignments and completed information: the only difference will be that the start dates of the individual tasks will be staggered according to a specified recurrence frequency (daily, every weekday, weekly or monthly). The number of tasks created is determined by an end date value: for example, specifying weekly tasks until a date 3 months from now will create one task per week between the specified start date and the date three months from now.

Once a task collection has been created, the tasks may be updated individually and behave as if they were created as individual tasks, with the exception that they may all be deleted by a single delete task collection operation (they may also be deleted individually as normal tasks).

Apart from the convenient creation and deletion of the tasks within a collection, the collection itself bestows no special properties on the constituent tasks.

Please note that when creating task collection, it's not possible to specify a due date: tasks created as part of a collection necessarily have no due date at the time of creation (though due dates may be added to tasks individually once they've been created).


Create a task collection

This resource supports creating a new TaskCollection.

When retrieving a workspace calendar the resource representation in the response will include a Uri attribute. To create a task collection a POST request should be made to the URI of the workspace calendar with a representation of the task collection resource to be created.



POST /v2/calendar/workspaces/123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Authorization: OAuth2 frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <CompletedDate xsi:nil="true" />
    <CompletedBy xsi:nil="true" />
    <CreatedDate xsi:nil="true" />
    <UpdatedDate xsi:nil="true" />
    <Title>Distribute weekly status report</Title>
    <Description>Test description</Description>


If successful, this operation will return a 201 Created with a Location header pointing to the first-occurring of the new tasks, and a representation of all newly-created tasks in the response body.

<TaskCollection id="987" uri="/v2/calendar/eventcollection/987">
    <Title>Distribute weekly status report</Title>
    <Description>Test description</Description>
      xsi:nil="true" />
      <DisplayName>Joe Walsh</DisplayName>
    <Assignments />
      xsi:nil="true" />
      xsi:nil="true" />
    <Attachments />
    <Comments />
      <DisplayName>Default Workspace</DisplayName>
    <CustomFields />
    <Title>Distribute weekly status report</Title>
    <Description>Test description</Description>
      xsi:nil="true" />
      <DisplayName>Joe Walsh</DisplayName>
    <Assignments />
      xsi:nil="true" />
      xsi:nil="true" />
    <Attachments />
    <Comments />
      <DisplayName>Default Workspace</DisplayName>
    <CustomFields />
    <Title>Distribute weekly status report</Title>
    <Description>Test description</Description>
      xsi:nil="true" />
      <DisplayName>Joe Walsh</DisplayName>
    <Assignments />
      xsi:nil="true" />
      xsi:nil="true" />
    <Attachments />
    <Comments />
      <DisplayName>Default Workspace</DisplayName>
    <CustomFields />

Delete a task collection

You can delete a task collection by issuing a DELETE request to a task collection URI. The task collection URI is indicated by the uri attribute of the TaskCollection element that is returned upon successful creation of a task collection (see above response for an example).



DELETE /v2/calendar/eventcollection/987 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authorization: OAuth2 frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


If successful, this operation will return a 200 OK.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml


Name Description
@Id A unique identifier of the task or task CollectionId.
@Uri The current URI of the task or task CollectionId.
Title The title of all tasks in a CollectionId.
Description Description of all tasks in a CollectionId.
Status The state of the tasks, one of NotStarted, InProgress or Complete.
PlannedStartDate The date by which the earliest task should be started.
RecurrenceFrequency The frequency of the recurring tasks
Owner The UserSummary of the creator of the tasks.
Assignments A collection containing the details of the assignments for the tasks.
Assignments.Assignment.Assignee The UserSummary of the user assigned to complete the tasks.
Assignments.Assignment.Assigner The UserSummary of the user who assigned the assignee to complete the tasks.
CompletedDate The date the tasks were marked as complete.
CompletedBy The UserSummary of the user who marked the tasks as complete.
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