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Elizabeth Britto edited this page May 13, 2021 · 81 revisions


The Membership Team API is a representation of a given Team within Huddle.

Beta warning

The Membership Team API is in Alpha


Operation Status
List of Teams in Workspace Alpha
Retrieve a Team Alpha
Create a Team Alpha
Update a Team Alpha
Delete a Team Alpha
Add Members to a Team Alpha
Retrieve Team Members Alpha
Remove Members from a Team Alpha


List of Teams in Workspace


The following example requests teams for workspace with id 123.


GET /workspaces/123/teams HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty

Request Filters

Filters are query string parameters that are used to filter the list of teams returned, e.g.

GET /workspaces/123/teams?name=my&hasUser=123&pagesize=20&skip=0
Parameter Default value Additional Notes
name Searches for team names within a workspace which begin with the name query string.
hasUser Checks wether or not a given user belongs to a team or not, indicated by the optional property userIsMember.
pagesize 20 The maximum number of elements to return, between 1 - 100.
skip 0 The number of elements to skip.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/
  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "create-team", "href": "..." },
    { "rel" : "bulk-invitation", "href": "..." }
    { "rel" : "first", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "previous", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "next", "href" : "..." },
  "teams": [
            "links": [
                { "rel" : "self", "href": "..." },
                { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
                { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." },
                { "rel" : "update", "href" : "..." },
                { "rel" : "delete", "href" : "..." },
                { "rel" : "remove", "href" : "..." }
            "name": "My Team 1",
            "description": "Description of My Team 1",
            "userIsMember": true, // optional property, will appear query param hasUser is passed
            "links": [
                { "rel" : "self", "href": "..." },
                { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
            "name": "My Team 2",
            "description": "Description of My Team 2",
            "userIsMember": false

Response Properties

Name Description
teams The list of the teams for the workspace

Response Link relations

Property Name Description Methods
self The URI of this collection of teams GET
parent The URI of the workspace the teams collection belongs to GET
create-team If you have permission, the URI to create a new Team POST
bulk-invitation If you have permission, the URI to bulk invite people to Teams POST
first The URI of the first page of teams. GET
previous The URI of the previous page of teams. GET
next The URI of the next page of teams. GET
teams parent The URI of the workspace the team belongs to GET
teams self The URI of the team GET
teams add-member The URI to add members to a team POST
teams update The URI to update team details PATCH
teams delete The URI to delete the team DELETE
teams remove-members The URI to remove members from a team POST

Other Responses

Case Response
Invalid authorization token 401 Unauthorized
Insufficient permissions to get teams 403 Forbidden
Workspace does not exist 404 Not Found

Retrieve a Team

You can GET a given team and it will display the information for that team.


The following example requests information for a team with ID 456 within a workspace with id 123.


GET /teams/456 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/

  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "members", "href" : "...", "count": 3 },
    { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "update", "href": "..." },
    { "rel" : "delete", "href": "..." }
  "name" : "My Important team",
  "description" : "My team description"

Response Properties

Name Description
name The name of the team

Response Link relations

Name Description Methods
self The URI of this team GET
parent The URI of the workspace the team belongs to GET
members The URI of the members that belongs to this team GET
add-member If you have permission, the URI to add user to Team POST

Other Responses

Case Response
Invalid authorization token 401 Unauthorized
Actor has insufficient permissions 403 Forbidden
Team or Workspace does not exist 404 Not Found

Create a Team


The following example requests a team to be created for a workspace with id 123. A workspace cannot contain duplicate team names.


POST /workspaces/123/teams HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/
Content-Type: application/
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty

    "name": "My first team!",
    "description": "Description of my first team!"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/
Location: /workspaces/123/teams/456

  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." }

  "name" : "My first team!",
  "description": "Description of my first team!"

Request Properties

Name Description
name The name of the team

Other Responses

Refer to General HTTP Status Codes.

Below are responses related to this resource:

Case Response
Actor has insufficient permissions 403 Forbidden
Workspace does not exist 404 Not Found
Name already exists 409 Conflict

Update a Team

You can UPDATE the name and description of a team.



PATCH /workspaces/123/teams/456 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty
  "name": "New name for Team 1",
  "description": "New description of Team 1"


If successful, this method will return with a 200 OK status code. The response body will be the updated Team. This response uses the standard error codes and returns standard response headers.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/

  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
  "name": "New name for Team 1",
  "description": "New description of Team 1"

Request Properties

Name Description
Name Team Name
Description Team Description

Other Responses

Refer to General HTTP Status Codes. Below are responses related to this resource:

Case Response
Invalid authorization token 401 Unauthorized
Actor has insufficient permission 403 Forbidden
Actor is not a member of the workspace 403 Forbidden
New Team name matches and existing team name 409 Conflict

Delete a Team

You can DELETE a given team that has no Team Members associated with it.



DELETE /workspaces/123/team/456
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Other Responses

Refer to General HTTP Status Codes. Below are responses related to this resource:

Case Response
Invalid authorization token 401 Unauthorized
Actor has insufficient permission 403 Forbidden
Workspace does not exist 404 Not Found
Team has one or more members 409 Conflict

Add Members to a Team

You can POST users (only their self link needs to be included) to add them as team members


The following example adds a user to the team with ID 456


POST /workspaces/123/teams/456/members HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/
Content-Type: application/
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty

    "links": [{
        "rel": "member",
        "href": "..."


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/
Link: /workspaces/123/teams/456
  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "remove-members", "href" : "..." }, 
    { "rel" : "first", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "next", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "previous", "href" : "..." }
  "members" : [
        "name" : "Serious Sam",
        "email" : "",
        "links" : [
            { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel" : "avatar", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel": "alternate", "href": "..." }

Request Properties

Name Description
links An array containing the "self" link of the user to add

Other Responses

Refer to General HTTP Status Codes. Below are responses related to this resource:

Case Response
Actor has insufficient permission 403 Forbidden
Email address is not on allow list 400 Bad Request
Team does not exist 404 Not Found
Users not provided or invalid 400 Bad Request

Retrieve Team Members

You can GET all team members and the metadata of the members in a team.


The following example requests information for members of a team with id 456 within a workspace with id 123.


GET /workspaces/123/teams/456/members HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/

  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "first", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "next", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "previous", "href" : "..." }
  "members" : [
        "name" : "Serious Sam",
        "email" : "",
        "links" : [
            { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel" : "avatar", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel": "alternate", "href": "..." }


Query string parameters are used to filter the team members in a team. Returns empty list of members if no members were found that match your query.


GET /workspaces/123/teams/456/members?q=ser&pagesize=20&skip=0 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty
Parameter Default value Additional notes
q Match a team member on firstname, lastname, email
pagesize 20
skip 0

Response shape is the same as in Retrieve Team Members

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/

  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "first", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "next", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "previous", "href" : "..." }
  "members" : [
        "name" : "Serious Sam",
        "email" : "",
        "links" : [
            { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel" : "avatar", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel": "alternate", "href": "..." }

Response Properties

Name Description
members The list of team members

Response Link relations

Property Name Description Methods
self The URI of these members GET
parent The URI of the team the members belong to GET
add-member If you have permission, the URI to add user to Team POST
first The URI to move to the first page GET
next The URI to move to the next page GET
previous The URI to move to the previous page GET
members self The URI of the user GET
members avatar The URI of the user's avatar GET
members alternate The URI of the user's profile GET

Other Responses

Case Response
Invalid authorization token 401 Unauthorized
Actor has insufficient permissions 403 Forbidden
Team or Workspace does not exist 404 Not Found

Remove Members from a Team

Only Workspace Managers have the permissions to remove members from a team (including themselves).


The following example removes a member from a team. The team ID in this example is 456.


POST /workspaces/123/teams/456/members/remove HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer frootymcnooty/vonbootycherooty

    "links": [{
        "rel": "member",
        "href": "..."


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Location: /workspaces/123/teams/456/members
Content-Type: application/json

  "links" : [
    { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "parent", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "add-member", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "remove-members", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "first", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "next", "href" : "..." },
    { "rel" : "previous", "href" : "..." }
  "members" : [
        "name" : "Serious Sam",
        "email" : "",
        "links" : [
            { "rel" : "self", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel" : "avatar", "href" : "..." },
            { "rel": "alternate", "href": "..." }

Request Properties

Name Description
links An array containing the "self" links of the members to remove

Other Responses

Refer to General HTTP Status Codes. Below are responses related to this resource:

Case Response
Actor has insufficient permission 403 Forbidden
Team does not exist 404 Not Found
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