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Possible Spells

Kyle J. Kemp edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 62 revisions

This page lists spells that may or may not get added to the game. The class(es) they're assigned to my vary based on what they do.

  • powerstun (stun all enemies)
  • powerpoison (poison all enemies)
  • powerdisease (disease all enemies)
  • powerafflict (afflict all enemes)
  • powerpush (push all enemies)
  • powerregen (regen all allies)
  • infusebody (+str/dex/agi)
  • infusemind (+int/wis/wil)
  • panacea [cure all afflictions on target]
  • barstun
  • magicmirror [reflect magic, maybe add a magicreflect stat?]
  • acidsplash [armor damage]
  • telepathy (show monsters out of range, direction indicator and maybe a transparent box?)
  • disarm (debuff for disarmed, item is belted or stored on the debuff until it's over)
  • retaliation stance (reflect some physical damage, possibly add a physicalreflect stat)
  • restorative stance (channel self healing)
  • cleave stance (or, augment attack stance to cleave)
  • lightning ball moving aoe
  • prismatic bolt (low damage, but uses multiple elements per hit, maybe a magic missile upgrade)
  • defend (tether yourself to x, while on the same tile, they take less damage [you take some of it]. stepping off means they take same damage again)
  • armorstrike (deal damage to armor)
  • powerstrike (better version of attack)
  • healstrike (heal self on attack, cure some debuffs, hit for maybe 50% and cure 10% of damage dealt. traits to augment debuff cure amt, heal amt, and damage amt)
  • piercestrike (pierce armor)
  • healing aura - constantly drain mp while pulsing heals in an aoe
  • buff steal (steal X buffs from target)
  • buff corrupt (change X buffs into Y debuffs of the same duration)
  • buff purify (change X debuffs into Y buffs of the same duration)
  • frostfire (fire+ice, weak damage, quick bursts)
  • deplete spell that makes it so you can't be buffed for 10 seconds if it hits (removes some buffs). Adds a 60 sec debuff that prevents depletion again.
  • soul shield (or something - use mp as hp until no mp)
  • charm monster - make them grey and swap their allegiance/etc for the duration of the spell
  • healing aura
  • ratscout (thief can summon a rat and play/move as it, it's very squishy but has some base stealth) - possibly a similar thing for mages w/ frogs or something. alternatively - you go "out of body" to explore, but if you die you go back to where you started instead of actually dying. you have lower HP in this form. probably a shadow form or something.
  • infect - copy debuffs to nearby enemies (cannot apply to players)
  • chainheal - heal effect is a passive buff on the target, and bounces around to party members (not including self) when the user is struck (also healing the user before bouncing). upgrades would increase the number of bounces.
  • mirror image - evade X attacks in a row
  • cover an ally and take X of their damage (buff lasts until warrior cancels it) - traits to boost % of damage covered
  • trapsack - retaliate when stolen from

possible class features:

  • consumes - spells that consume other spells on the target to do bonus damage or effects (say, consume a Burning effect to inflict 150% damage)
  • debuff bonuses - spells that do more damage if a particular debuff is present on a target
  • totems - a potential class effect would be to drop totems (stationary mobs that do stuff) - effects could include cleansing, debuffing, damaging, dotting, healing. they would expire after a period of time + have a small health pool

possible "advanced" spells (obtained from prestige classes) - some should overwrite each other, ie, only one of each "type" can be active. they should all have bigger cooldowns.

  • blessing of the titan (hp regen boost, hp boost)
  • blessing of fury (AC, damage absorption)
  • blessing of the X (+stats, +otherstat)
  • raw damage spells that do a lot of damage but have a cooldown
  • spells that increase the number of attacks you get per round (and general offensive capabilities like accuracy, offense)
  • spells that increase defense, damage reflect, damage absorption, ac
  • spells that straight up do X attacks at once, possibly to an area
  • powerful, self-only buff spells
  • spells that augment physical attacks, possibly party wide (ie, bonus fire damage on physical hit)
  • mark target, all damage against it is increased by X% for Y rounds

other things:

  • add actual AI to summons (follow, aggressive, defensive)
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