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Stretch Goal Features

Kyle J. Kemp edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 190 revisions

This page lists some ideas that might be fun or interesting, but are backburnered until sufficient interest comes along for one of them.

Cool New Ideas

Multi-Server / Host Tools

There should be a way for multiple servers to co-exist, and connect to each other. Probably a GM command to create a portal to a particular IP address. This would allow individual players to create content, host it, and test it on their own. It would also be possible to let a GM link their world up so other players could test it more easily.

The idea is that each set of servers would link to a particular database, and that's where they would pull characters from. If there is a character that does not exist that is requesting to join, it would be created bare at level 1 and be a "new character" in that pool (so joining an unfamiliar server would put you at the baseline). This is to prevent you from bringing back OP items or moving OP items into a "data center" that doesn't support them.

There would need to be a central discovery node that can route characters between server pools.

The lobby would not create characters on a server, but for a particular data center/shard. Then any world in the shard can load that particular character.

It is a simple form of sharding (neverwinter nights does this).

Confirmed and Upcoming

These ideas are 100% happening, but haven't been fully formulated yet:

  • Set Bonuses - items that work well in a set give a further bonus - sets should be restricted to at most 3 pieces so they don't ruin the horizontal progression of the game - possibly a jewelry, held item (weapon/shield), and armor item. this would let you mix and match sets for a good combo. also, sets could possibly drop in multiple pieces (so, an armor could drop, a boots could drop, gloves could drop - but only one of them would be needed for the set). set bonuses would be any 3 items, but more might exist in the set. There should be a new "set bonuses" yml file that contains all sets in the game, and the bonuses, for easy lookup. There isn't really a reason to attach them to the items themselves. The new yml file should have a reversed lookup though so when adding items up, it can be easily deduced what sets have how many pieces.
  • items that gain xp and have static growth. they can be raised at a trinket npc. also, this is the trinket slot, and will be unique to trinkets.
  • modal npc chat for all npcs. ability to present items to npcs. there will have to be support for hidden dialog options based on whether you have an item in sack, hands, etc.
  • overlay while hidden that shows what enemies can see you and which ones cannot. maybe a little eye symbol rendered on the map?
  • holiday events: Valentine's, St Patrick's, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas, November, back to school, new years, all items should expire after 30 days, and all events should last 30 days. possible ideas:
    • each event could have a specific map that opens up during the season
    • holiday quests should be name+year so they reset every year
    • easter (sei): Dungeons start to fill up with strange creatures that drop eggs. Eggs can be turned in for permanent stat boosts (to a limit), or traded for a piece of gear. possibly also easter-unique cosmetics.
    • new years (sei, January): clock shield, party hats, wine, poppers, etc items. cosmetic effect for confetti. Each class gets one unique party hat.
    • valentines (sei): heart bow, arrow, heart items. possibly cosmetics (a heart shaped, glowing cosmetic). maybe a map where you have to shoot romeo with a specific, given cupid arrow (1 shot) and as a green tag, it starts some AI mechanic. might have to have a buff on the arrow. there could be quests to improve the bow in various ways (tier, offense, defense) by bringing various worldly items to various npcs. there could be a romeo/juliet thing where they're fighting for each other in a map and the arrow starts off the event chain.
    • st patricks (sei): try beer, find pot of gold. leprechauns (green gnomes)? - trait: increase drop rate of rare items?, clover cosmetic?
    • back to school (sei): gain int/wis bonuses based on event, something about a school.
    • fourth of july (sei): confetti?
  • Player Housing. Home instance would have daily gathering nodes that provide better materials. Possibly also have home NPCs. Possibly, be able to have butler npc that can be renamed + can perform tasks like listing on the market, etc. Should be customizable in similar ways to guild halls.
  • Instanced Dungeon Leaderboards (from the time your party enters to the time it opens the chest area - score is recorded and associated with the player names who did the run. would need considerations like players that are overleveled facerolling the dungeon, etc, so maybe have a "best per 10 levels" bracket system)

Idea Pool

These ideas have neither been confirmed nor denied, but are up until there's either interest in them or they become necessary for some other reason.

  • pity timer: choose an item, and in X kills (their drop rate x2 probably) you will get one. pity timer needs to be reset at the npc. pity timer should cost item value * 100?
  • anti-script measures: for each spawner, after 2 hours 1.5 respawn +25% damage with random lair chance. After 3 2x respawn 50% damage boost. After 4 hours instant respawn 100% damage boost. 5 hours 250% damage boost double lair random chance. 6 hours 500% damage boost with double lair spawn at once chance.
  • runewriting interface where you can stockpile scrolls and ink and supply blood to get scrolls (and also, weapon/scroll -> imbue)
  • more bag space in the form of "tabs" (the current silver implementation would change to a new tab). there would be pages of sack space instead of the one page. pages would still be 25. there would be quests to unlock or upgrade bag space.
  • a tablet interface
  • loot boxes that require keys
  • disintegrate, passwall, door. possible implementation: have a specific "passable" region, where you can interact with certain walls. if a wall is passable, it: can be made into a door (which is removed when the door is closed), can be walked through with passwall, and can be disintegrated or blasted (which changes the sprite for a while, makes it walkable, and makes it visible)
  • monsters casting power words and revive
  • item locks. you should be able to use a command to lock or unlock an item. if it's locked, people cannot enchant it, forge it, or alchemize (or any trade skill) without it being unlocked (unless they own the item). it should be prevented from going into the container by Container#canAddToContainer (only for trade skill containers), instead of requiring lock checks on all of the related functions.
  • lockpickable treasure chests in dungeons
  • scalable items (scale their stats with you)
  • items that can absorb damage as durability (in part or in whole) which cease working when broken
  • Some form of offline progress, crafting, etc.
  • Achievements (like getting level X in a class, killing X boss, etc). Possibly, an account option to announce to discord.
  • A global player viewer (and also leaderboards, see below) (and also instanced dungeon leaderboards) that would let you view lockers, loadout (belt, pouch, sack, equipment) as well as vital stats about the character. Logging in could let you do things like move gear around lockers, etc? Possibly incorporate dungeon leaderboards in here. You should also be able to see the trade skill containers and their values for each char (ore, dust, etc). Could show market board items, offer market board search too.
  • Birthday gifts for characters on their birthdays.
  • Actual NPC schedules (maybe a day/night cycle to go along with this?)
    • If the day night cycle is done, there should be a dropdown in the top right when you click the timer to show "server time" "rair time" and "daily reset timer" - server time is GMT, rair time would be whatever arbitrary schedule, and the daily reset timer is what it is right now
  • Dungeon Difficulty Enhancements, one or more of:
    • Autoscaled Dungeons (when the party leader enters a dungeon, the party is locked, and the dungeon will scale in difficulty based on the number of players in the party - an average of 4 is assumed, so it scales down with 2, scales up with 6 - perhaps +- 12.5% stats per person gained or lost)
    • Dungeon Tiers (dungeons get scaled up based on the "tier" you want it to be - double, triple, etc the difficulty, more mechanics, etc)
  • npcs grabbing items from the ground to dual-wield or throw from their offhand
  • An actual face (probably something silly like googly eyes) that shows different faces when poisoned, dead, alive, etc
  • LFG to get people in parties easier
  • diminishing returns for instanced dungeons
  • monsters gain XP on player kills and can level up with enough XP
  • character loadout manager for quick swapping equipment sets
  • allow green npcs to die, and town raids to kill green npcs
  • weather, allow weather changes. in certain areas, weather constantly casts spells on its tile. convert maze darkness to this!
  • add your own music (similar to debug spritesheets)
  • make sure lair npcs spawn with the same config every time (persist the config to the db when saving their spawner)
  • configurable training dummy (copy lairs, set stats individually, globally, apply buffs/debuffs)
  • buy orders for the market board (probably only potions, scrolls, ingots/bricks, and food)
  • improved leaderboard functionality: check where a particular character/account is sitting in the grand scheme. needs better leaderboard support.
  • Premium perks (silver shop):
    • portable tradeskill utilities? buy them for home instance?
    • consumables to summon temporary alchemist, zarn, shop, etc
    • home instance nodes to farm daily
    • purchase more max teleports per character?
    • RNG box that might contain temp alchemist, trade skill, etc (buy a key to open it)
    • Regen Rock, buy for 100s or find randomly in the world
    • buy 100RP for all characters
    • buy a compass which allows you to see your current x,y and the last x,y(s) you died at
  • guild halls - Guilds could get their own instanced guild hall (which would requireGuild instead of requireParty on entrance). Buildings? Building levels? Crafters? Upgradeable? Possibly, guilds are account-wide instead of character-specific. It should be planned that there be multiple guild halls and a guild can choose one. Guilds have a bank that can hold gold, and they can spend gold to recruit merchants of varying types and qualities (for example, a basic potion vendor might cost 5000 gold + 100 / wk, but a better potion vendor would cost 50000 and 5000 / wk). Perhaps that can also pay to "excavate" more space in a guild hall, unlocking more space to place more merchants or trainers. Perhaps merchants just cost a lot to recruit, and you can buy upgrades for them? There could also be a tavern keep or some such that sells an undispellable 24h guild buff (one can only be active at a time, but there would be many, such as +10% XP, +10% AXP, +10% skill gain, etc). there should also be a guild manager npc here. allow people to pay for custom guild halls (if desired, otherwise they get default instance) and custom NPCs (20$ / npc, cost of hall depends on size). players could create custom npcs with custom shops, and have a custom guild currency that could only be used at their guild shop, which guild leaders could give out
  • manually arrange sack, belt, pouch option (would require server intervention and autoFix to not be running)

Future Holiday Ideas

  • allow for upgrading, uncapping, or etc a piece of gear for something like 10k tokens

  • upgrading/uncapping items can be checked by checking item.createdAt and validating it isn't from the current year

  • allow for next zone pot to be bought for 20k tokens

  • Halloween

    • unlock old halloween gear (make it enchantable or upgradeable via new quests - could upgrade base stats or x/x)
    • costumist which gives a buff that changes sprite
    • Some sort of boss fight
    • cosmetic involving pumpkin 🎃
    • Use the Witch for some brewing of some sort
    • new map: graveyard, zombies everywhere
    • upgrade shield from 10AC to 40AC through a series of quests. the quests increase the enchant level so it can't be otherwise messed with.
    • Per max: You should make a the evil dead questline.... you have to protect these commoners from an evil and lead them across an area, when you lose one it turns into a blood thirsty demon zombie that is like a mini lair. If you don't move fast enough the thing chasing you catches up and kills them all, turning them all and you lose the quest and die a horrific death.
  • Thanksgiving

    • pilgrim rep grind?
    • cosmetic involving turkey 🦃

Chopping Block

These ideas are on the chopping block, and will probably not be happening (but are kept here until a firm decision is made):

  • Quest Log
  • a possible gem compressor which lets gems exist as a stack (for storage, used in encrusting) probably not needed anymore
  • succor pouch (pouch just for succor - possibly, instead, succors do not take up any physical space and you can click to go to a place) not keen on making another container just for this
  • Key ring (pouch just for keys - possibly, instead, keys do not take up any space physically) will be using keys sparingly where possible
  • mail system value add is too low
  • key combining - store an array of all key ids a key represents, mash desc together? - maybe forge a set of keys for a zone will be using keys sparingly where possible