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1. User Stories

Tomás edited this page Jun 21, 2020 · 1 revision

This section includes the Agile-development User Stories. They follow the following equation:

As a <type of user> , I want <some feature> so that <some reason>

The main goal of this stories is to clarify what we should build before we start the work, and to help verify that the project contains all the features we intended to include.

Index Topic User story
1 Status As a player, I want to know my status (money, hunger and assets), the time and my current location, so that I can decide what action to take next
2 Movement As a player, I want to move to other locations at any time
3 Health As a player, I want to eat at home or at the bar, so that I can satiate my hunger
4 Health As a player, I want to enjoy leisure time at the park or at the bar, so that I can stay motivated
5 Health As a player, I want to sleep at home, so that I can rest and feel good the next day
6 Loans As a player, I want to take a loan, so that I can get some cash quickly
7 Loans As a player with a loan, I want to pay it, so that I can get rid of the periodical debt
8 Social As a player, I want to talk to other players, so that I don't feel lonely
9 Market As a player, I want to buy some assets on the market, so that I have the chance to make some profit
10 Market As a player with assets, I want to sell some assets on the market, so that I make some profit
11 Market As a player, I want to check the state of the market, so that I can make a good decision on what to buy
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