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5. Execution

Tomás edited this page Jun 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

The program can be run in the standard way by opening the project from Eclipse and running the main class located at /src/controller/ Additionally, the program can be run using the JAR file located at /JarFile/Broker.jar

The .jar file can be run as any other .jar file without the input of any argument (with command java -jar [path]\Broker.jar in the console terminal, or any other way of your preference). This will create a game with the "NORMAL" premade difficulty. If you input the argument -h (java -jar [path]\Broker.jar -h). You will get the following text:

usage: controller.main [-1 < arg >] [-2 < arg >] [-3 < arg >] [-4 < arg >] [-5< arg >] [-a < arg >] [-b < arg >] [-c] [-d < arg >] [-h] [-m < arg >] [-s < arg >] [-v < arg >]

-1,--type1 < arg > Ratio between 0 and 1 of AGGRESSIVE broker bots (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-2,--type2 < arg > Ratio between 0 and 1 of DUMBASS broker bots (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-3,--type3 < arg > Ratio between 0 and 1 of GREEDY broker bots (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-4,--type4 < arg > Ratio between 0 and 1 of KNOWLEDGEABLE broker bots (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-5,--type5 < arg > Ratio between 0 and 1 of RANDOM broker bots (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-a,--adaptability < arg > Adaptability to adversity ratio of the bots (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-b,--bots < arg > Number of bots that will accompany you.

-c,--custom Custom play mode, to play this you will need to input options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, a, s, m, b, v.

-d,--premadeDifficulty < arg > Set premadeDifficulty, values are: Easy, Normal, Difficult, WorldTradeCenter.

-h,--help Print this message.

-m,--minNum < arg > Minimum number of assets on the market (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-s,--startingNum < arg > Starting number of assets on the market (Only needed if -c is enabled).

-v,--volatility < arg > Ratio between 0 and 1 of market volatility (Only needed if -c is enabled).

Though it is all self-explanatory, it is notable that there are two ways to run the program:

  • Through a premade difficulty using argument -d.
  • Through a custom difficulty using arguments -c -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -b -a -m -s -v.

These would be some examples of the usages explained above:

  • java -jar [path]\Broker.jar -d WORLDTRADECENTER (This creates a new game in WORLDTRADECENTER difficulty).

  • java -jar [path]\Broker.jar -d easy (This creates a new game in EASY difficulty).

  • java -jar [path]\Broker.jar -c -1 0.1 -2 0.2 -3 0.3 -4 0.2 -5 0.3 -a 0.7 -s 3 -m 2 -b 30 -v 0.3 (This creates a new game in a custom difficulty with: 30 bots, 0.1 * 30 aggressive brokers, 0.2 * 30 dumbass brokers, 0.3 * 30 greedy brokers, 0.2 * 30 knowledgeable brokers, 0.3 * 30 random brokers, 0.7/1 adaptability ratio for every bot's behaviour, 3 starting assets, 2 minimum assets in the market allowed, and 0.3/1 market volatility).

It is also to be noted that if one uses -c but does not add all custom game parameters an according exception will stop the execution of the code. Also if one inputs a complete custom difficulty but also uses the -d argument the program will ignore the premade difficulty argument and enter the custom difficulty the user created.

To help explain how to run and play the game in depth, there is an execution guided tutorial video in the Broker/BrokerDocumentation/ExecutionVideo folder which documents not only the arguments and their usage but also how to play the game.

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