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2022 Annual Maintenance

Matt Simerson edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 14 revisions

Spring / Early Summer

  • Firewood - split and stack outdoors, so the summer warmth seasons it
  • Fire safety: remove all wood and woody debris from a 100' perimeter around the lodge
  • Reader board on 420 road: transport up to the lodge
  • Wood stove: sweep the chimney
  • carpenter ant control around the lodge
  • carpenter ant control around the power poles

Summer / Fall

  • Fire Safety
    • Fire exit signs - replace batteries, north on even years, south on odd years.
    • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors - change batteries and test
    • Fire extinguishers - bring to town for annual inspection
    • Mow grass around lodge and on the hill
  • Kitchen:
    • stove/range annual maintenance
    • range hood
    • remind expired food workers to renew their cards
    • fridge
      • vacuum dust from coils
      • perform dryer maintenance & desiccant replacement
  • Generators
    • Zoo: test & run under load
    • Lodge: test & run under load
  • Water Bars - repair and trench out all existing water bars
    • on the 420 road
    • on lodge property
  • Snowmobiles - At each work party, idle the engines for a few minutes to charge the batteries.
  • Chip limbs from winter debris and firewood and spread chips on the XC trails
  • inspect and refill mouse traps
  • refill mouse poison dispensers
  • Fuel
    • purchase diesel fuel: tank info.
    • purchase gasoline
      • cat house tank
      • diesel hut tank
    • purchase propane
  • Snow Machines
    • oil and grease
    • service

Late Fall

  • Rope Tows (all 3)
    • pulleys - grease all 3 of Jim's tows
    • Add 'Benite' to wheels to improve snow & ice shedding.
  • Firewood - move seasoned wood into the wood shed
  • Generator gas cans: fill and place in generator hut for ready use during winter.
  • Torque thru bolts on idler and bull wheels
  • Inspect all wooden wheels for cracks and other defects
  • Mach
    • torque universal bolts on drive shaft
  • Water System
    • Dam - clean out
    • Change water filters, ask Phil
    • Clean silt out of dam reservoir

Prior to Mushroom weekend

  • Clean and empty the Zoo
  • Set up plywood tables atop sawhorses
  • Clean the Lodge

Last work party list here