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Listing of commands

NickMcConnell edited this page Nov 28, 2010 · 8 revisions

This file lists the direction keys, the original set of commands, then the alternative set for those used to roguelike commands. If you want full infor- mation about any command, consult the help file "cmddesc.txt".

Keys for moving around and choosing a direction

    Original Keyset Directions       Roguelike Keyset Directions

             7  8  9                           y  k  u
             4     6                           h     l
             1  2  3                           b  j  n

Original Keyset Command Summary

a  Aim a wand                           A  Activate an artifact

b  Browse a book                        B  Bash a door

c  Close a door                         C  Character description

d  Drop an item                         D  Disarm a trap/Desanctify a glyph

e  Equipment list                       E  Eat some food

f  Fire an item                         F  Fuel your lantern/torch

g  Get objects on floor                 G  Gain new spells/prayers

h  (unused)                             H  Move house

i  Inventory list                       I  Observe an item

j  Jam a door                           J  (unused)

k  Destroy an item                      K  (unused)

l  Look around                          L  Locate player on map

m  Cast a spell or pray a prayer        M  Full dungeon map

n  Repeat last command                  N  (unused)

o  Open a door or chest                 O  View abilites/Gain Specialty

p  Pray a prayer or cast a spell        P  (unused)

q  Quaff a potion                       Q  Quit (commit suicide)

r  Read a scroll                        R  Rest for a period

s  Search for traps/doors               S  Toggle search mode

t  Take off equipment                   T  Dig a tunnel or clear a web

u  Use a staff                          U  (unused)

v  Throw an item                        V  Version info

w  Wear/wield equipment                 W  (unused)

x  (unused - easy rest macro)           X  (unused - switch weapon macro)

y  (unused)                             Y  (unused)

z  Zap a rod                            Z  (unused)

!  Interact with system                ^A  (special - debug command)

@  Interact with macros                ^B  (unused)

#  (unused)                            ^C  (special - break)

$  User interface                      ^D  (unused)

%  Interact with visuals               ^E  Toggle choice window

^  (special - control key)             ^F  Repeat level feeling

&  Interact with colors                ^G  (unused)

*  Target monster or location          ^H  (unused)

(  Load screen dump                    ^I  (show item list)

)  Dump screen dump                    ^J  (special - linefeed)

{  Inscribe an object                  ^K  (unused)

}  Uninscribe an object                ^L  (unused)

[  (show monster list)                 ^M  (special - return)

]  end/default shapechange             ^N  (unused)

-  Walk (flip pickup)                  ^O  (unused)

_  Enter store                         ^P  Show previous messages

+  Alter grid*                         ^Q  (unused)

=  Set options                         ^R  Redraw the screen

;  Walk (normal pickup)                ^S  Save and don't quit

:  Take notes                          ^T  Time of day

'  (unused)                            ^U  (unused)

"  Enter a user pref command           ^V  (unused)

,  Stay still for one turn             ^W  (special - wizard mode)

<  Go up staircase or path             ^X  Save and quit

.  Run                                 ^Y  (unused)

>  Go down staircase or path           ^Z  (special - borg command)

\  (special - bypass keymap)            |  Display inventory for selection

`  (special - escape)                   ~  Check knowledge

/  Identify symbol                      ?  Help

* NOTE:  For Rogues, this command also steals.
For trap setting characters, this command set and modifies traps.

Roguelike Keyset Command Summary

a  Zap a rod (Activate)                 A  Activate an artifact

b  (walk - south west)                  B  (run - south west)

c  Close a door                         C  Character description

d  Drop an item                         D  Disarm a trap/Desanctify a glyph

e  Equipment list                       E  Eat some food

f  Bash a door (force)                  F  Fuel your lantern/torch

g  Get object on floor                  G  Gain new spells/prayers

h  (walk - west)                        H  (run - west)

i  Inventory list                       I  Observe an item

j  (walk - south)                       J  (run - south)

k  (walk - north)                       K  (run - north)

l  (walk - east)                        L  (run - east)

m  Cast a spell                         M  Full dungeon map

n  (walk - south east)                  N  (run - south east)

o  Open a door or chest                 O  View abilites/Gain Specialty

p  Pray a prayer                        P  Browse a book

q  Quaff a potion                       Q  Quit (commit suicide)

r  Read a scroll                        R  Rest for a period

s  Search for traps/doors               S  Jam a door (Spike)

t  Fire an item                         T  Take off equipment

u  (walk - north east)                  U  (run - north east)

v  Throw an item                        V  Version info

w  Wear/wield equipment                 W  Locate player on map (Where)

x  Look around                          X  (unused - switch weapon macro)

y  (walk - north west)                  Y  (run - north west)

z  Aim a wand (Zap)                     Z  Use a staff (Zap)

!  Interact with system                ^A  (special - debug command)

@  Interact with macros                ^B  (alter - south west)

#  Toggle search mode                  ^C  (special - break)

$  Move house                          ^D  Destroy item

%  Interact with visuals               ^E  Toggle choice window

^  (special - control key)             ^F  Repeat level feeling

&  Interact with colors                ^G  (unused)

*  Target monster or location          ^H  (alter - west)

(  Load screen dump                    ^I  (show item list)

)  Dump screen dump                    ^J  (alter - south)

{  Inscribe an object                  ^K  (alter - north)

}  Uninscribe an object                ^L  (alter - east)

[  Show monster list                   ^M  (special - return)

]  end/default shapechange             ^N  (alter - south east)

-  Walk (flip pickup)                  ^O  (unused)

_  Enter store                         ^P  Show previous messages

+  Alter grid*                         ^Q  (unused)

=  Set options                         ^R  Redraw the screen

;  Walk (normal pickup)                ^S  Save and don't quit

:  Take notes                          ^T  Dig a Tunnel or Clear a Web

'  Time of day                         ^U  (alter - north east)

"  Enter a user pref command           ^V  Repeat last command

,  Run                                 ^W  (special - wizard mode)

<  Go up staircase                     ^X  Save and quit

.  Stay still for one turn             ^Y  (alter - north west)

>  Go down staircase                   ^Z  (special - borg command)

\  (special - bypass keymap)            |  Display inventory for selection

`  (special - escape)                   ~  Check knowledge

/  Identify symbol                      ?  Help

 * NOTE:  For Rogues, this command also steals.
For trap setting characters, this command set and modifies traps.