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server maintenance

Martin Vanbrabant edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Server maintenance

All commands and edits are performed with root permissions.

This procedure can be used on any (physical) server. The documentation below uses example values (server name, domain, IP-address, URLs, UIDs, ...) applicable for the production server. Change as needed.

Manual system upgrade

Always test this on the development server first

Step 1: Stop the UserManager

Proceed as explained in Deployment on production server, Stopping.

Step 2: Stop the Gluu server and make a backup of it

Proceed as explained in Gluu 3.0.x good to know, Make a backup, using do-not-restart as second parameter.

Step 3: Upgrade activities

Update, upgrade:

apt update
apt list --upgradable
apt upgrade

Reboot and cleanup multiple times if needed until the last command reports 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded:

reboot now
# you'll have to reconnect your terminal here first...
apt autoremove

Step 4: Make sure apache2 is running


systemctl status apache2.service

If it does not run: check the installation instructions to make it restart after a reboot.

Step 5: Make sure Gluu is running and its service start bug is worked around


service gluu-server-3.0.2 status

If it does not run: check the installation instructions to make it restart after a reboot.

Continue as described in Gluu 3.0.x good to know, Work around for service start bug.

Step 6: Start the UserManager

Proceed as explained in Deployment on production server, Running.

Step 7: TEST

Test as follows:

If this all works: test OK!

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