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LogiX Nodes

Jerad Bitner edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 4 revisions

LogiX nodes comprise the visual scripting language of NeosVR.

NeosPlus offers a variety of nodes not present in the base build, described below:

  • Logix/Avatar/NearestUser

  • Logix/Collections/All Users
  • Logix/Collections/Append
  • Logix/Collections/Clear
  • Logix/Collections/Count
  • Logix/Collections/Foreach
  • Logix/Collections/Get
  • Logix/Collections/Insert
  • Logix/Collections/Remove
  • Logix/Collections/Set

  • Logix/Json/JsonAddToObject
  • Logix/Json/JsonAppendToArray
  • Logix/Json/JsonCountArrayChildren
  • Logix/Json/JsonCountObjectChildren
  • Logix/Json/JsonEmpty
  • Logix/Json/JsonGetFromArray
  • Logix/Json/JsonGetFromObject
  • Logix/Json/JsonInfo
  • Logix/Json/JsonInsertToArray
  • Logix/Json/JsonParseString
  • Logix/Json/JsonParseStringArray
  • Logix/Json/JsonQuickGetFromObject
  • Logix/Json/JsonRemoveFromArray
  • Logix/Json/JsonRemoveFromObject
  • Logix/Json/JsonToString

  • Logix/Locomotion/IsUserInNoclip

  • Logix/Math/Matrix/GaussianElimination
  • Logix/Math/Matrix/GaussJordanElimination
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomBool2
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomBool3
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomBool4
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomCharacter
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomDouble
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomInt2
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomInt3
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomInt4
  • Logix/Math/Random/RandomLetter
  • Logix/Math/EulersToientFunction
  • Logix/Math/Factorial
  • Logix/Math/SortNode
  • Logix/Math/MinMax

  • Logix/Network/HTTPRequest

  • Logix/Operators/ZeroOneI
  • Logix/Operators/DoubleInput

  • Logix/Playback/IsPaused
  • Logix/Playback/IsStopped

  • Logix/Slots/CreateEmptySlot
  • Logix/Slots/GetGrandparent

  • Logix/String/CountSubstring
  • Logix/String/DecodeBase64
  • Logix/String/EncodeBase64
  • Logix/String/EndcodeMD5
  • Logix/String/EncodeSha256
  • Logix/String/HammingDistance
  • Logix/String/HammingDistanceNonNullable

  • Logix/Users/IsUserInSeatedMode

There are also Components added to the system.


  • Add docs for Collection nodes
  • review in Neos if there are other nodes listed that are not on this list


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