- a subfunction for the diamond-aligner and estimating the hsp coverage
- this is also integratd into the go-mapper-diamond
- you can use this as a separate if you have already aligned reads to the protein.
- when you have a metagenome and you want to generate the annotation tags using the bacterial genome proteins.
- when you have MAGS and you want to generate the specific mags to protein alignment.
- same goes for other species also.
- your pacbio reads should be a linear fasta, which is the way the pacbio reads usually comes.
- Incase of the other fasta sequences such as genomes or others, remember to run the awk utility to linearize it. This is faster than implementing a loop iteration.
awk '/^>/ {printf("\n%s\n",$0);next; } { printf("%s",$0);} \
END {printf("\n");}' inputfasta > output.fasta
gauavsablok@gauravsablok ~/Desktop/codecreatede/golang/go-diamond-tags ±main⚡ » \
go run main.go -h
Analyzer for the diamond aligner and pacbio reads for hints
analyze [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for analyze
Use "analyze [command] --help" for more information about a command.
gauavsablok@gauravsablok ~/Desktop/codecreatede/golang/go-diamond-tags ±main⚡ » \
go run main.go alignment -h
Analyzes the hsp from the diamond read to protein alignment
analyze alignment [flags]
-a, --alignmentfile string alignment (default "alignment file to be analyzed")
-h, --help help for alignment
-p, --pacbioreads string pacbio file (default "pacbio reads file")
gauavsablok@gauravsablok ~/Desktop/codecreatede/golang/go-diamond-tags ±main⚡ » \
go run main.go alignment -a matches.tsv -p ./samplefiles/pacbioreads.fasta
chr10:66478458-66505490 1.0061776347427218
chr10:66478458-66505490 0.9026005252839123
chr11:66478458-66505490 0.8952021603225687
chr11:66478458-66505490 1.0875596493175008
gauavsablok@gauravsablok ~/Desktop/codecreatede/golang/go-diamond-tags ±main⚡ » \
cat coveragestimation.txt
chr10:66478458-66505490 1.0061776347427218
chr10:66478458-66505490 0.9026005252839123
chr11:66478458-66505490 0.8952021603225687
chr11:66478458-66505490 1.0875596493175008
Gaurav Sablok