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Rolf Obrecht edited this page Aug 16, 2022 · 22 revisions

Example with V.10 at Raspberry Pi

The teletypes TeKaDe FS200Z typically have a V.10 interface. The teletypes FS220Z are normally equipped with a TW39 interface (with ADo8 plug) but this can be exchanged by a V.10 interface which is provided by some military shops.

The V.10 interface cable is provided with a 25 pin Sub-D male plug.


All you need is a Raspberry Pi, a TTL-IC as driver and a hand full of resistors.


For more electronic details see Electronic for V.10.

It is important to use a 74HCT00 and not a 74HC00. The chip must be powered by 5V. The HCT-family has an input threshold compatible with TTL-3.3V-level.

The 2.2kOhm resistors are used to limit the current in the suppressor diodes. The limit is needed from -5...5V to TTL-5V-level as well as from TTL-5V-level to TTL-3.3V-level. Te resistor between D1 and D2 is a Hack to move the D2-level a little bit to negative to support all V.10-FS200-cards.


FS200 Settings

Below the printer cover there are some switches. Set them as follows:

  • to 1. Printer feed control - line spacing.
  • ❮/≡ to (on). Return-button implies WR (CR) and ZI (LF).
  • Speaker as you like.
  • to (on). ID (Kennungsgeber) can be sent to other machines.
  • Abruf (request) to (on). The ID (Kennungsgeber) can be requested from other machines.
  • 200 bd. baud rates as you like, but remember to adapt the setting in config file telex.json.
  • ARQ to (off).
  • HDx/Dx to HDx (half duplex).

With duplex protocol switch set to HDx and using the adapter with diodes the own typed text is echoed back (hardware loop) and printed in red and the text from the other machine is printed in black.

Programming of the device ID (Kennungsgeber)
  • Press LOK
  • Press A.../1...
  • Type in the text KENNUNG:
    • Red LED in MAG-key lights up
  • Press return and type your ID like 12345 MYSELF D (max. 18 characters) followed by return
  • Press MAG
    • Red LED in MAG-key turns off
    • Status is printed

For more setting details see the FS200 user manual (German language)


For piTelex installation see SW_Install

This adapter is handled by the software module RPiTTY.

The settings in the file telex.json have to be adapted:

   "RPiTTY": {
      "type": "RPiTTY",
      "enable": true,
      "mode": "V10",
      "pin_txd": 17,
      "pin_rxd": 27,
      "inv_rxd": false,
      "pin_relay": 22,
      "inv_relay": false,
      "use_observe_line": true,
      "pin_observe_line": 10,
      "inv_observe_line": true,
      "baudrate": 200,
      "coding": 0,
      "loopback": false

Start the program with no arguments on RPi-Linux:


i-Telex Connection

To use the i-Telex communication module, enable and configure the i-Telex section in telex.json.

Establish a Call to an other i-Telex device

Follow this steps:

  • Press LIN-key.
    • The LED in LIN-key lights up.
    • The FS200 powers up the printer.
    • The paper illumination is switched on (if not, press BEL (Beleuchtung)).
  • Enter the i-Telex-Number of the remote machine at the keyboard.
    • As soon as the number is complete and valid, a connection is established automatically.
    • If a LED is present in the adapter cable this LED is switched on at an established connection.
  • Type your message...
  • To end a connection press LOK and wait 1 second.
    • The connection is automatically ended by the FS200.
    • The LED in the LOK-key is turned off after a timeout of about 30 seconds.

Note: There is no explicit ST-button (stop) on the FS200.

Receive a Call from an other i-Telex device

If the FS200 is in idle mode (all LEDs off), it is ready for receiving a call.

On an incoming call the FS200 starts the printer and switches the paper illumination on. Each incoming character is printed immediately.

If you want to write back (chat), you have to press LIN first.

The connection is closed by the caller or by FS200 timeout.

For more info on i-Telex communication see i-Telex Net (German language)

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