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Menu bar

SylvainBertrand edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 5 revisions

This page summarizes the controls available in the menu bar:

Menu bar


File menu
  • Snapshot icon: Take a snapshot of the GUI.
  • Export video icon: Capture a video of the 3D view.
  • Load configuration icon: Load a previously saved configuration of the GUI.
  • Load default configuration icon: Load the default of the GUI.
  • Save configuration icon: Save the current GUI configuration to file.
  • Save default configuration icon: Save the current GUI configuration as the default configuration. The default configuration is automatically loaded at startup.
  • Export data: Exports data to file.
  • Import data: Imports data previously exported.
  • Exit icon: Close the application.


Session menu
  • Remote session icon: Opens a new dialog with new controls to start/stop a remote session.
  • Log session icon: Opens a new dialog with new controls to start/stop a log session.


Run menu
  • Run icon: Starts running the current session. The result is dependent on the type of the active session: simulation: start simulating, remote: connect to the server, log: start reading log file.
  • Playback icon: Playback the buffered data. The playback loops back to the inpoint when reaching the outpoint.
  • Pause icon: Pause the current session.
  • Go to inpoint icon: Sets the current index to inpoint.
  • Go to outpoint icon: Sets the current index to outpoint.
  • Set inpoint icon: Sets the inpoint to be at the current index.
  • Set outpoint icon: Sets the outpoint to be at the current index.
  • Run at real-time rate: Enforce a running session to run no faster than real-time. This option is unavailable with remote session as the server drives the rate at which the session runs.
  • Playback real-time rate icon: Indicate the speed at which to play back the buffered data as a factor of real-time rate.

Data Buffer

Data Buffer menu
  • Crop data buffer icon: Crop the buffer to retain only the data with the in and out points.
  • Flush old buffer icon: Thoroughly erase buffer data that is outside of the active range, i.e. outside the bounds defined by the current in-point and out-point indices.
  • Resize data buffer icon: Resize the buffer conserving if possible the current data stored.
  • Record tick period icon: Sets the period at which data is to be recorded in the buffer. The period is defined in number of session tick, e.g. a value of 2 will result in recording only every other tick, so recording only half the data over time.
  • Number precision icon: Defines the displayed precision in the GUI for double values. A value of 3 indicates that 3 digits after the decimal should be displayed.


Data Buffer menu
  • Load icon: Load YoComposite patterns from a *.scs2.yoComposite file.
  • Save icon: Save current YoComposite patterns to a *.scs2.yoComposite file.
  • Refresh icon: Refresh the YoComposite using the current patterns.
  • Properties icon: Open the YoComposite pattern editor.


Data Buffer menu
  • Load icon: Load a chart group configuration from a *.scs2.chart file in the current window.
  • Save icon: Save the current chart group configuration from the current window to a *.scs2.chart file.
  • New chart window: Open a new window for displaying additional charts.


Data Buffer menu
  • Overhead Plotter: Toggle the plotter 2D where YoGraphicFX2Ds are displayed.
  • Load icon: Load YoGraphics from a *.scs2.yoGraphic file.
  • Save icon: Save the current YoGraphics to a *.scs2.yoGraphic file.
  • Properties icon: Open the YoGraphic pattern editor.