💡 Description • ✨ Showcase • 🚀 Quick Setup & Compilation • 🏛️ Features & Roadmap • 📖 Documentation & User Guide • 🖋️ License
Venom Engine
is my solo Computer Graphics journey, designed to dive deep into cutting-edge technologies:
- 🧑💻️ Graphics APIs: Mastering
, andDirectX12
. - 🛠️ Build Systems: Streamlining development with
. - 🖥️ Technical Tools: Exploring
Renderer Debuggers
, andHLSL
. - 💻 Scripting: Enhancing workflows with
and more.
Join me as I explore these technologies and push the boundaries of what's possible in modern graphics programming.
uses a combination of Bazel
& Makefile
as its build system (will integrate CMake later).
Here is how to setup and compile the project:
make dxc
make compile_shaders
make release_run
- Vulkan Renderer
- Metal Renderer
- DirectX12 Renderer
- Global Illumination
- Deferred Rendering
- Custom Renderer Debuggers
- Protobuf Serialization
- Virtual Shadow Mapping
- Forward+ Rendering
- CMake Build System
- HLSL to SPIR-V Compilation
- Ruby Task Runner
- Disney Principled BSDF
- Editing GUI
- ...
Looking for detailed information? Explore the comprehensive documentation and user guide for Venom Engine
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Dual Licensing:
Exclusive dual licensing options are available for commercial or other use cases that do not fit within the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. If you require different licensing terms, please contact me directly to discuss your needs by mail, Linkedin or Discord.