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2012_11 Doctoral Colloquium

Maximilian Held edited this page Dec 20, 2014 · 1 revision

This is mostly about the Europe piece.

  • give a better guideline to the reader, take people along, explain why I am talking about what at any given point.
  • explicate the research gap
  • why CEEC?

Feedback Rothgang

  • why is this related to the thesis?
  • unemployment insurance (adverse selection, correlated risk)
  • free health insurance: is actually statutory (blah)

Feedback Sylvia

  • explain the absence
  • how do you compare? What’s the connection between the chapters
  • why use EU integration and not a single WS?
  • the EU has very dminised mixed economy?
  • mixed ideal and real situations
  • Ch2: get the impression that models are very stable, not dynamic
  • don’t discuss fetish character of money
  • 2nd order change: how did it happen?

Maike: I don’t get how people can understand this in a deliberative forum if the colloquium can’t (she’s right).

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