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EN data format description

reuben honigwachs edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

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The particulate matter sensor delivers the measured data in json format as such:

{"software_version": "NRZ-2017-099", "age":"97", "sensordatavalues":[{"value_type":"SDS_P1","value":"26.83"},{"value_type":"SDS_P2","value":"22.60"},{"value_type":"temperature","value":"19.00"},{"value_type":"humidity","value":"73.10"},{"value_type":"BME280_temperature","value":"21.53"},{"value_type":"BME280_humidity","value":"53.64"},{"value_type":"BME280_pressure","value":"97224.53"},{"value_type":"samples","value":"588824"},{"value_type":"min_micro","value":"243"},{"value_type":"max_micro","value":"27694"},{"value_type":"signal","value":"-50"}]}

The value_types represent the following values:

  • SDS_P1: PM10
  • SDS_P2: PM2.5
  • temperature: Temperature from DHT22
  • humidity: Humidity from DHT22
  • BME280_temperature: Temperature from BME280
  • BME280_humidity: Humidity from BME280
  • BME280_pressure: Barometric pressure from BME280 in Pascal (Pa)
  • samples: Number of samples gathered in one iteration
  • min_micro: minimal time for one iteration in microseconds
  • max_micro: maximal time for one iteration in microseconds
  • signal: RSSI value in dBa (Received Signal Strength Indicator i.e. Wi-Fi strength)

Notes on air pressure

The barometric pressure value delivered as-is and not converted to sea level. The values may deviate significantly from the information provided by the weather services. Depending on the temperature, installation altitude, and humidity, an individual correction factor must be calculated for the sensor. Further information on the subject:




for more, see Protokolle

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