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05. Audio Bible

The Amazing Sπderman Negro edited this page Mar 10, 2019 · 36 revisions



Below is shown, all the audio that is implemented during the development of FF Dawn of Ivalice, in which comes from the audio used on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, our base game. So the style of the audio is based on the ambience of Ivalice world, with fictitious medieval and fantasy theme touches that produce a sense of nostalgia corresponding to the time of the gameboy advance.

There is part of the audio extracted from FF Tactics, a neighbor of the game in which we start, whose sound effects correspond to the dungeon thematic we want to generate in our game, so we will also start from the audio style of Final Fatasy Tactics

It should be emphasized that this document will be modified since during the game development process will be implemented new audios created or extracted from FFTA


The references used are mainly from our original FF Tactics Advance game, where we have extracted the most of audio. Also FF Tactics game has to be mentioned since whose audio, especially the sound effects, have also been extracted given its attractive ambience that we want to give to our own game.



the sounds at environmental level will be reproducing constantly generating a progressive tension as the player advances within each respective dungeon. When the camera performs movements to produce a trembling effect, cohesive sounds with these events will act to generate a better experience for the player.

Actions such as running, hitting certain objects, opening doors, etc. will be accompanied by sounds that will improve the player's immersion in the theme of our game. For us, this type of environmental sounds are very important in the field of usability and playability and we do not focus on them.


The characters will also reproduce sounds according to their state in which they are, their voices, and according to the actions they perform in the game.

Enemies / Bosses

The enemies will have their own sound of voice, noise or corresponding onomatopoeia that will bring personality and character.

In this case, especially with the basic enemies, we will not dedicate so much time to him in his audio but with the most important enemies or bosses, we will implement a set of sounds and noises according to the abilities and movements that have to express to the player a greater difficulty. .

Impact Effects

Finally, and precisely the most important thing for us and that more has to dedicate more time is in the sounds of impact effects during battles.

Since the differentiating mechanics of our game and the one that will provide fun in terms of gameplay is focused on the battles, it is extremely important that the images that are played when the character is wounded, or use a spell or any related action are followed by a cohesive sound to provoke the player the greatest sensation of power and freedom .


We will mainly use a style of music focused on a medieval / fantasy theme with characteristics based on the classic games of dungeons whose tracks give goosebumps to the spectator given their level of tension they can cause.

These soundtrack will be played throughout the gameplay and the theme will change depending on the type of scene in which the player is, either in the main menu, in the main hall, dungeons, etc.

The music will also be subject to changes according to the event in which the player is, that is, if he is saved, if he is in danger of dying, if he is fighting, if he is speaking with an NPC, etc.


During the cutscenes or moments in which the player must interact with any npc that is found, voices or onomatopeia sounds will be reproduced according to the type of npc and its animic state. If he is happy he will play laughs, if he is afraid, he will play screaming sounds, etc.

This is a topic that we are still in the process of implementing since we have thought that certain important characters have their own voices, which means recording voices of other people to implement them in the game.

Animation sounds

It is worth mentioning that the weapons and skills of the characters and enemies will have their own animation sounds in order to generate a realistic sensation in the player. It is one of the points that we will also prioritize during the process of game development.

User interface

Normally a point that by far is forgotten but for us it is very important is all the sound effects reproduced by the user interface.

Clear examples are the sounds that generate the interaction with the buttons, game controls, inventory, pickups of objects, pickups of hailidades, sliders, open or close elements ui as the pause menu, etc. We value these types of sounds because without them the sense of usability in the player may decrease.

Future Implementations

As previously mentioned, this is a living document subject to possible changes and the addition of new audiovisual content during the development process of our game Final Fantasy Dwan of Ivalice.

Therefore, in this section we will discuss all the changes at audio level that the game has been submitted for which it has had to adapt to ensure the best possible cognitive user experience.


This is the audio list which sorting our sounds and themes by the following assortments:

  • Music Themes

Theme Name Event
FFDI_Theme_01 Vanishing world Main Menu
FFDI_Theme_02 Marche Provisional
FFDI_Theme_03 Ritz Provisional
FFDI_Theme_04 Amber Valley Provisional
FFDI_Theme_05 Different World Ivalice Provisional
FFDI_Theme_06 Incarnation Boss
FFDI_Theme_07 Sleep of defeat End Level
FFDI_Theme_08 Magic beast farm Provisional
FFDI_Theme_09 Mewt Level Music
FFDI_Theme_10 Fulfilled Dream Provisional
FFDI_Theme_11 Gathering allies Hall
FFDI_Theme_12 Surpassing the wall Provisional
FFDI_Theme_13 Mysterious shop Provisional
FFDI_Theme_14 Prison Level Music
FFDI_Theme_15 Teach me Mont Blanc Provisional
FFDI_Theme_16 At the bar Provisional
FFDI_Theme_17 Battle of hope Provisional
FFDI_Theme_18 Painfull Battle Provisional
FFDI_Theme_19 The Road We Aim For Provisional
FFDI_Theme_20 Unavoidable Destiny End Game
  • Sound Effects

SFX Name
FFDI_SFX_1 Boss ability
FFDI_SFX_2 Exploding
FFDI_SFX_3 Thunder bolt
FFDI_SFX_4 Confirm selection
FFDI_SFX_5 Confirm selection2
FFDI_SFX_6 Invalid
FFDI_SFX_7 Equip
FFDI_SFX_8 Punch
FFDI_SFX_9 Punch2
FFDI_SFX_10 Sword
FFDI_SFX_11 Sword swing
FFDI_SFX_12 Sword swing 2
FFDI_SFX_13 Blocked arrow
FFDI_SFX_15 Hit2
FFDI_SFX_16 Open/Close door
FFDI_SFX_17 Land on water
FFDI_SFX_18 UI buy
FFDI_SFX_19 Hit3
FFDI_SFX_20 Exit ui elements
FFDI_SFX_22 Door level pull
FFDI_SFX_23 Rith/Sarah death
FFDI_SFX_24 Footsteps scared
FFDI_SFX_25 Monster death
FFDI_SFX_26 Inventory selection
FFDI_SFX_27 Wistle NPC
FFDI_SFX_28 Locked door
FFDI_SFX_29 Hit4
FFDI_SFX_30 Arrow ability
FFDI_SFX_31 Enemy strike
FFDI_SFX_32 Sword sound
FFDI_SFX_33 Sword block
FFDI_SFX_34 Chuching bells
FFDI_SFX_35 Dungeon sound
FFDI_SFX_36 Arrow
FFDI_SFX_37 Healhing Point
FFDI_SFX_38 Text typing
FFDI_SFX_39 Blocked
FFDI_SFX_40 Marche death
FFDI_SFX_41 Player damage
FFDI_SFX_42 Enemy flan attack
FFDI_SFX_43 Magic Barrer
FFDI_SFX_44 Abiility learned
FFDI_SFX_45 Ambiental dungeon sound
FFDI_SFX_46 Ultra healing
FFDI_SFX_47 Impact
FFDI_SFX_48 Impact2
FFDI_SFX_49 Impact3
FFDI_SFX_50 Level up
FFDI_SFX_51 Cure
FFDI_SFX_52 Fire
FFDI_SFX_53 Mage ability hit
FFDI_SFX_54 Potion
FFDI_SFX_55 Level up2
FFDI_SFX_56 Ability
FFDI_SFX_57 Game over sound
FFDI_SFX_58 Melee ability
FFDI_SFX_59 Trap
FFDI_SFX_60 Ability hit
  • Voices

To be commented and recorded

Technical Guidelines

In this section we will expose the rules of use and production of our art for all members of the team.

Exporting Formats

We are going to use .wav format for SFX and .ogg format fo the music itself as soundtracks and themes of our game.

Naming Conventions

At the moment, we will use a simple naming convention to work in the most efficient and effective way possible since we had extracted a lot of sound effects which are difficult to sorting and classifying to be used.

That said, each audio should be named first by the name of our game (FFDI), then by the type of audio (music or sfx) and finally by a number that sorts them.

In addition, the directory of folders will be divided according to the type of audio for a better working methodology

Example: ../audio/SFX/FFDI_SFX_01


We will use mainly Reaper player for creating, editing or cutting any audio that will be ued in our game. In addition, we will use audio format converters for all the audio extracted from other games like FF Tactics


You can check all the game art assets in the following folder

The folder will be updated as new assets are extracted or created during the whole development process.

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