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A tool for typing SCCmec cassettes in assemblies


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sccmec - A tool for typing SCCmec cassettes in assemblies


sccmec is a tool for typing SCCmec cassettes in assemblies. It was designed to be easy to use. Unlike its predecessor, staphopia-sccmec, sccmec is much simpler to maintain and update. This is because of camlhmp which allows a organization to be defined in a YAML file.


If you would like to become a curator for sccmec, please let me know! This could be in the form of adding new SCCmec types, updating existing ones, or adjusting thresholds. I'm open to any and all suggestions!

Supported SCCmec Types

The following SCCmec types are supported by sccmec.

Type Citation
I Katayama et al. 2000
II Katayama et al. 2000, Ito et al. 2001
III Katayama et al. 2000
IV Ma et al. 2002
V Ito et al. 2004
VI Oliveira et al. 2006
VII Berglund et al. 2008
VIII Zhang et al. 2009
IX Li et al. 2011
X Li et al. 2011
XI García-Álvarez et al. 2011
XII Wu et al. 2015
XIII Baig et al. 2018
XIV Urushibara et al. 2020
XV Wang et al. 2022

The following SCCmec subtypes are supported by sccmec.

SubType Citation
Ia Ito et al. 2001
Ib Han et al. 2009, Oliveira 2006
IIa Katayama et al. 2000, Ito et al. 2001
IIb Hisata et al. 2005
IIc Shore et al. 2005
IId Kondp et al. 2007
IIe Han et al. 2009
IVa Ma et al. 2002
IVb Ma et al. 2002
IVc Ma et al. 2006
IVd Ma et al. 2006
IVg Kwon et al. 2005
IVh Milheirico et al. 2007
IVi Berglund et al. 2009
IVj Berglund et al. 2009
IVk -
IVl Iwao et al. 2012
IVm Hosoya et al. 2014
IVn -
Va Ito et al. 2004
Vb Hisata et al. 2011
Vc Li et al. 2011


You can install sccmec using conda:

conda create -n sccmec -c conda-forge -c bioconda sccmec
conda activate sccmec
sccmec --help

Note: sccmec is utilizes the API from camlhmp with the defaults for --yaml-targets, --yaml-regions, --regions and --targets already set. Please don't let this confuse you when you see all the camels!


 Usage: sccmec [OPTIONS]

 sccmec - typing SCCmec cassettes in assemblies

╭─ Required Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --input         -i   TEXT  Input file in FASTA format to classify [required]                 │
│ *  --yaml-targets  -yt  TEXT  YAML file documenting the targets and types [required]            │
│ *  --yaml-regions  -yr  TEXT  YAML file documenting the regions and types [required]            │
│ *  --targets       -t   TEXT  Query targets in FASTA format [required]                          │
│ *  --regions       -r   TEXT  Query regions in FASTA format [required]                          │
╭─ Filtering Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --min-targets-pident      INTEGER  Minimum percent identity of targets to count a hit           │
│                                    [default: 90]                                                │
│ --min-targets-coverage    INTEGER  Minimum percent coverage of targets to count a hit           │
│                                    [default: 80]                                                │
│ --min-regions-pident      INTEGER  Minimum percent identity of regions to count a hit           │
│                                    [default: 85]                                                │
│ --min-regions-coverage    INTEGER  Minimum percent coverage of regions to count a hit           │
│                                    [default: 83]                                                │
╭─ Additional Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --prefix   -p  TEXT  Prefix to use for output files [default: sccmec]                           │
│ --outdir   -o  PATH  Directory to write output [default: ./]                                    │
│ --force              Overwrite existing reports                                                 │
│ --verbose            Increase the verbosity of output                                           │
│ --silent             Only critical errors will be printed                                       │
│ --version            Print schema and camlhmp version                                           │
│ --help               Show this message and exit.                                                │

As mentioned above, sccmec utilizes the camlhmp API. Except, please note that the --yaml-targets, --yaml-regions, --regions and --targets options are already set to the SCCmec defaults. This means you only need to provide the --input option with your assembly file.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use sccmec using an assembly file (both uncompressed and GZip compressed are supported):

sccmec --input tests/fasta/type-Va-AB121219.fasta.gz --prefix type-v

Running sccmec (via camlhmp) with following parameters:
    --input tests/fasta/type-Va-AB121219.fasta.gz
    --yaml-targets /home/rpetit3/repos/sccmec/data/sccmec-targets.yaml
    --yaml-regions /home/rpetit3/repos/sccmec/data/sccmec-regions.yaml
    --targets /home/rpetit3/repos/sccmec/data/sccmec-targets.fasta
    --regions /home/rpetit3/repos/sccmec/data/sccmec-regions.fasta
    --outdir ./
    --prefix type-v
    --min-targets-pident 90
    --min-targets-coverage 80
    --min-regions-pident 85
    --min-regions-coverage 83
Starting camlhmp for SCCmec Typing (targets)...
Running blastn...
Processing target hits...
Starting camlhmp for SCCmec Typing (regions)...
Running blastn...
Processing region hits...
Final Results...
                                           SCCmec Typing
┃ sa… ┃ ty… ┃ su… ┃ me… ┃ ta… ┃ re… ┃ co… ┃ hi… ┃ ta… ┃ t… ┃ re… ┃ r… ┃ ca… ┃ p… ┃ ta… ┃ r… ┃ co… ┃
│ ty… │ V   │ Va  │ +   │ cc… │ Va  │ 10… │ 12  │ sc… │ 1… │ sc… │ 1… │ 1.… │ m… │     │ C… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ b… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ on │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ 12 │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ h… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ w… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ o… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ or │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ m… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ o… │     │
│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │    │     │    │     │    │     │ h… │     │
Final predicted type written to ./type-v.tsv
Target-based results against each type written to ./type-v.targets.details.tsv
Target-based blastn results written to ./type-v.targets.blastn.tsv
Region-based results against each type written to ./type-v.regions.details.tsv
Region-based blastn results written to ./type-v.regions.blastn.tsv

If needed, you could adjust the --min-targets-pident, --min-targets-coverage, --min-regions-pident and/or --min-regions-coverage options to be more or less depending on your needs. But please note the defaults are set to the recommended values.

Once the tool has completed, you will find five output files in the current directory which described below.

Output Files

camlhmp-blast will generate three output files:

File Name Description
{PREFIX}.tsv A tab-delimited file with the predicted type
{PREFIX}.targets.blastn.tsv A tab-delimited file of all target-specific blast hits
{PREFIX}.targets.details.tsv A tab-delimited file with details for each type based on targets
{PREFIX}.regions.blastn.tsv A tab-delimited file of all full cassette blast hits
{PREFIX}.regions.details.tsv A tab-delimited file with details for each type based on full cassettes

Example {PREFIX}.tsv

sample	type	subtype	mecA	targets	regions	coverage	hits	target_schema	target_schema_version	region_schema	region_schema_version	camlhmp_version	params	target_comment	region_comment	comment
type-v	V	Va	+	ccrC1,IS431,IS431_1,IS431_2,mecA,mecR1	Va	100.00	12	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-targets-coverage=80;min-targets-pident=90;min-regions-coverage=83;min-regions-pident=85		Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits	
Column Description
sample The sample name as determined by --prefix
type The predicted type (based on targets and full cassettes)
subtype The predicted subtype (based on full cassettes)
mecA The mecA gene status (+=present or -=absent or not a significant hit)
targets The targets for the given type that had a hit
regions The regions for the given type that had a hit
coverage The coverage of the full cassette in the regions column
hits The number of hits that made up the full cassette coverage
target_schema The schema used to determine the type based on targets
target_schema_version The version of the schema used to determine the type based on targets
region_schema The schema used to determine the type based on full cassettes
region_schema_version The version of the schema used to determine the type based on full cassettes
camlhmp_version The version of camlhmp used to determine the type
params The parameters used to determine the type
target_comment A small comment about the target results
region_comment A small comment about the region results
comment A small comment about the final result

Example {PREFIX}.targets.blastn.tsv

qseqid	sseqid	pident	qcovs	qlen	slen	length	nident	mismatch	gapopen	qstart	qend	sstart	send	evalue	bitscore
ccrC1	AB121219.1	100.000	100	1623	28612	1623	1623	0	0	1	1623	16132	17754	0.0	2998
ccrC1	AB121219.1	90.439	100	1677	28612	1684	1523	148	12	1	1677	16132	17809	0.0	2206
IS431_1	AB121219.1	100.000	100	791	28612	791	791	0	0	1	791	8221	9011	0.0	1461
IS431_1	AB121219.1	98.085	100	791	28612	731	717	14	0	1	731	3423	2693	0.0	1273
IS431_1	AB121219.1	99.704	100	675	28612	675	673	2	0	1	675	2693	3367	0.0	1236

This is the standard BLAST output with -outfmt 6

Example {PREFIX}.targets.details.tsv

sample	type	status	targets	missing	schema	schema_version	camlhmp_version	params	comment
type-v	I	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA1,ccrB1,IS1272	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	II	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA2,ccrB2,mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	III	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA3,ccrB3,mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	IV	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA2,ccrB2,IS1272	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	V	True	ccrC1,IS431_1,mecA,mecR1,IS431_2		sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	VI	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA4,ccrB4,IS1272	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	VII	False	ccrC1,IS431_1,mecA,mecR1,IS431_2	IS12960D	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	VIII	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA4,ccrB4,mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	Excluded target ccrC1 found, failing type VIII
type-v	IX	False	IS431_1,mecA,mecR1,IS431_2	ccrA1,ccrB1	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	X	False	IS431_1,mecA,mecR1,IS431_2	ccrA1,ccrB6	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	XI	False	mecA,mecR1	ccrA1,ccrB3,blaZ,mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	XII	False	IS431_1,mecA,mecR1,IS431_2	ccrC2	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	XIII	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrC2,mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	XIV	False	ccrC1,IS431,mecA,mecR1	mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	
type-v	XV	False	IS431,mecA,mecR1	ccrA1,ccrB6,mecI	sccmec_targets	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=90;min-pident=80	

This file provides a detailed view of the results. The columns are:

Column Description
sample The sample name as determined by --prefix
type The type being tested
status The status of the type (True if failed)
targets The targets for the given type that had a match
missing The targets for the given type that were not found
schema The schema used to determine the type
schema_version The version of the schema used to determine the type
camlhmp_version The version of camlhmp used to determine the type
params The parameters used to determine the type
comment A small comment about the result

Example {PREFIX}.regions.blastn.tsv

qseqid	sseqid	pident	qcovs	qlen	slen	length	nident	mismatch	gapopen	qstart	qend	sstart	send	evalue	bitscore
III	AB121219.1	99.371	25	68256	28612	4132	4106	26	0	24230	28361	8220	4089	0.0	7487
III	AB121219.1	86.738	25	68256	28612	5067	4395	628	42	59204	64248	17954	12910	0.0	5594
III	AB121219.1	94.259	25	68256	28612	3240	3054	172	11	44582	47815	22419	19188	0.0	4940
III	AB121219.1	98.421	25	68256	28612	1837	1808	25	4	27952	29787	4458	2625	0.0	3229
III	AB121219.1	99.494	25	68256	28612	791	787	3	1	34225	35015	3423	2634	0.0	1437

This is the standard BLAST output with -outfmt 6

Example {PREFIX}.regions.details.tsv

sample	type	status	targets	missing	coverage	hits	schema	schema_version	camlhmp_version	params	comment
type-v	Ia	False		Ia	17.67	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	Ib	False		Ib	16.61	2	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 2 hits
type-v	IIa	False		IIa	11.85	11	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 11 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IIb	False		IIb	0.00	0	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	
type-v	IIc	False		IIc	17.39	4	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 4 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IId	False		IId	0.00	0	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	
type-v	IIe	False		IIe	1.54	1	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	
type-v	III	False		III	24.50	18	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 18 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVa	False		IVa	29.35	13	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 13 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVb	False		IVb	33.19	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVc	False		IVc	23.56	14	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 14 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVd	False		IVd	7.78	1	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	
type-v	IVg	False		IVg	30.66	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVi	False		IVi	30.85	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVj	False		IVj	30.58	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVk	False		IVk	16.00	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVl	False		IVl	19.79	13	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 13 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVm	False		IVm	25.73	14	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 14 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IVn	False		IVn	28.15	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	Va	True	Va		100.00	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	Vb	False		Vb	64.55	17	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 17 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	Vc	False		Vc	50.14	17	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 17 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	VI	False		VI	29.79	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	VII	False		VII	45.86	15	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 15 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	VIII	False		VIII	16.95	9	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 9 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	IX	False		IX	15.33	11	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 11 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	X	False		X	13.68	16	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 16 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	XI	False		XI	0.00	0	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	
type-v	XII	False		XII	19.37	15	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 15 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	XIII	False		XIII	28.39	12	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 12 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	XIV	False		XIV	14.50	16	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 16 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits
type-v	XV	False		XV	17.21	11	sccmec_regions	1.2.0	1.0.1	min-coverage=85;min-pident=83	Coverage based on 11 hits;There were one or more overlapping hits

This file provides a detailed view of the results. The columns are:

Column Description
sample The sample name as determined by --prefix
type The type being tested
status The status of the type (True if failed)
targets The targets for the given type that had a match
missing The targets for the given type that were not found
coverage The coverage of the full cassette
hits The number of hits that made up the full cassette coverage
schema The schema used to determine the type
schema_version The version of the schema used to determine the type
camlhmp_version The version of camlhmp used to determine the type
params The parameters used to determine the type
comment A small comment about the result


If you use sccmec in your research, please cite the following:


I considered thinking of a fun name for this tool, but sometimes it's best to get straight to the point! So, here we are with sccmec.


I'm not a lawyer and MIT has always been my go-to license. So, MIT it is!



A tool for typing SCCmec cassettes in assemblies







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