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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 6 revisions

title: Specs of the stat tool description: Specs of the stat analysis tool related to the installation process published: true date: 2023-03-16T22:57:45.193Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-03-06T02:45:16.049Z

Technical information and production start-up

Tool page http://r2linux03/stats_query/stats_query.php

The page will have to be migrated, later, on a production server (for example the same server that contains the mini-site "http://redacted:40916/installer/client_install_fr.htm")

The code is in the RING_ALPHA branch in the directory R:/code/ryzom/www/stats_query

The url of the stat server is specified in the variable InstallStatsUrl present in the client_default.cfg.

At the top of the file stats_query.php you can find the variables

$StatsDBHost, $StatsDBUserName, $StatsDBPassword, $StatsDBName which contain the information specifying the database.

You will have to modify this file to specify the production database.

(for the moment the machine used is


Display of the server time in the upper left corner (this time is used as a reference for the registration in the database).

The title indicates either the current date or the date selected for detailed information.

Global info ("downloads" and "distinct new users")

  • By clicking on the menus, the associated tables are displayed and hidden.

  • For each day of the selected month, a certain amount of information is displayed, the lines are displayed only if there was at least one download during the day.

  • In the second column "Month Year" you can select a particular day in the month to have more detailed information (see 2.2)

  • Below the tables are 2 links, "next month", "last month" which allow to change the selected month

table Downloads

The info displayed is:

  • "Weekday" and "Month year": the date of the measurements

  • distinct users: this is the number of different people who downloaded the game during the day.

  • clean start: this is the number of downloads that are not re-installations (new installation in a new directory or after uninstallation)

  • restart: this is the number of downloads after restart (the client interrupted the download during a previous session)

  • the sum of "clean start" and "restart" indicates the number of times the installation software has been launched

  • download finished": indicates the number of clients that have continued the process of downloading the game until the installation process (number less than or equal to the sum of "clean start" and "restart")

  • install finished": indicates the number of clients that have continued the installation process until the end (number less than or equal to "download finished")

  • full version": number of users who have chosen the "Full version" option and started the download

  • fr, en, de: number of users who chose the language at the beginning of the install shield

table Disinct new uers

Displays info for each unique user who started the installation on the selected day.

The info displayed is:

  • started dl: how many unique people started the download

  • finished dl: how many unique people finished the download and started the installation

  • finished inst: how many unique people have finished the installation

  • arrive login: how many unique people arrived at the login screen

  • salt tank arrival: how many unique people have arrived at the selected tank

  • arrive in game: how many unique people have arrived in game

  • play 30 min: : how many unique people have played 30 min

  • play 1hr: : how many unique people have played one hour

  • play 2hr: : how many unique people have played two hours

The values can only decrease because these phases are successive. All phases finished inst are not yet implemented

Detailed info (table "download dteails" and "hardware new users")

When a day is selected (by clicking on "last month", "next month", or a day of the month in the download and distinct user tables) detailed information is displayed on that day.

table download details

In the title, in the brackets, is contained the number of downloads of the selected day.

This number is equivalent to the sum of the columns "clean start" and "restart" of the download table for the selected day's row.

The info displayed is:

  • user_id: allows to uniquely identify a user (allows to check if 2 successive downloads are made by the same user)

  • ip: the player's ip

  • lang: the language selected on the install shield startup screen

  • sku: the selected package "ros" => initial version, "full" => full version

  • protocol: protocol use "patch" => classic patch system using http, "torrent" => turbo mode

  • sz dl: amount of data to be downloaded by the user

  • sz inst: amount of data to install on the computer (after decompression)

  • start: start time of the download

  • start inst: end time of the download and start time of the installation

  • finish: end time of the installation

  • % dl: if "start instal" equals 0, indicates at what percentage of the download the user has stopped

  • % inst: if "finish" equals 0, indicates at what percentage of the installation the user has stopped

table hardware new users

In the title, in the parent hères, is contained the number of distinct users who have downloaded ryzom on the selected day.

This number is equivalent to the "distinct users" column of the downloads table for the selected day's row.

The info displayed is:

  • user_id: allows to uniquely identify a user (to be linked with the same column in the "download details" table)

  • first_install: date when the user first installed ryzom with the installer

  • last_install: date when the user last installed ryzom. If this value is different from first_install then the user has installed ryzom several times.

  • install_count: the number of times the user has installed ryzom

  • os: the operating system, os Unknown (6.0*) indicates Vista

  • proc: information on the used processor

  • memory: information about the memory used

  • video_card: info about the video card to use

  • driver_version: info about the driver installer

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