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00. How to submit your lines

sergiodinapoli edited this page Sep 11, 2021 · 1 revision

So, you thought of some nice lines and want to contribute them to SpeakUp! Great! That's just great! Thank you!

But before you even start typing, it'd be nice if you knew how to properly submit your ideas first. Read on, and find all about it!

First of all, in the next chapters of this wiki you can find a very user-friendly guide on how to write new lines for SpeakUp. After you're done here, go on and check it — you'll be surprised by how easy it is making new lines! Moreover, all SpeakUp lines are available on GitHub in XML format. If you read them, you can get a very good idea on how SpeakUp lines are normally written — and then use this standard format for your lines, improving the chances your lines will be quickly incorporated.

Important note: please do not upload the entire XML you edited! For example, let's say you added some lines to the file named deeptalk.xml. In this case, uploading or sending the entire deeptalk.xml file won't help, as it can be rather hard for us to decipher the exact changes you made.

Instead, let's follow this strategy!

In each XML file there are sections denoted by <!-- text here -->. Like this:

<!-- Abandoned Child -->
<li>abandoned_child->When my parents had me I was as sick as a dog and left for dead. Through the powers that be I managed to make it here today.</li>
<li>abandoned_child->It's a miracle I made it into adulthood. I was abandoned as a baby and through sheer luck I lived</li>
<li>abandoned_child->Due to being abandoned by my parents, I really didn't have a childhood [RECIPIENT_nameDef].</li>

So what should you do? Send us or upload one file like this:

File Name
Section (the text here mentioned above in the section)
Your lines here (ex: <li>r_logentry->SpeakUp Rocks!</li>)

If we use the <!-- Abandoned Child --> example above, the submitted file would be:

<!-- Abandoned Child -->
<li>I was abandoned because apparently an imaginary butterfly convinced my mother I was destined to a higher fate, but far from her.</li>

If you want to submit more lines in several files, you can specify them using this format again. So after this first deeptalk.xml block, you can write another block like this:

<li>r_logentry(priority=4,INITIATOR_jobText==cloudwatching.,DAYPERIOD==night,tag=CloudWatching)->Mmm... I suddenly realize cloudwatching at night isn't so fun...</li>

And so on. So you group changes XML file by XML file and denote each block with the related "title", so that we know where to insert your line.

Please do keep all your lines in one text file. Also, name this file with your Discord name, so that we know who to ask aquestions to, if needed.

Although you can have as many edits in the file as you want, bear in mind that Sergio (or some helper of his) must manually review all the lines you submit. So, it may take some time to see your suggestions approved.

Hint: you may want to submit few suggestions at a time, and submit first the lines you consider most urgent. This is because large submissions would take longer to process.

We may change this submitting strategy as time goes on, so if you have suggestions let us know!