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Software and tools

supermaxiste edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 7 revisions

This section goes through the tools used and specifies which parameters are flexible (modifiable via config.yaml) and which are fixed. All unmentioned parameters are not defined and input/output parameters are not mentioned either. For tools such as bedtools and samtools that are used for data wrangling, specifications are needless. In a second section there's an overview of the tools with useful links.

Parameter settings


Parameter Type Description
bismark --prefix fixed Add prefix to output names
--multicore flexible Number of cores to use
--temp_dir fixed Location where to store temporary files
deduplicate_bismark -p fixed Specifies if data is Paired-End
-s fixed Specifies if data is Single-End
bismark_methylation_extractor -p fixed Specifies if data is Paired-End
-s fixed Specifies if data is Single-End
--multicore fixed Number of cores to use
--no_overlap fixed Avoid double scoring for Paired-End data
--comprehensive fixed Merge strand-sepcific info into context-specific info
--bedGraph fixed Produce bedGraph file with cytosine position and methylation state
--CX fixed Output information from all cytosines irrespective of context
--multicore flexible Number of cores to use
--gzip fixed Output will be compressed in gzip format
coverage2cytosine -CX fixed Output information from all cytosines irrespective of context


All parameters were set to default.


Parameter Type Description
fastqc -t flexible Number of cores to use


Parameter Type Description
eagle-rc --ngi fixed No genotype information available
--phred64 flexible PHRED score scale
--paired fixed Specifies if data is Paired-End
--bs=3 fixed Accounts for bisulfite conversion (C-T and G-A are matches)


Parameter Type Description
multiqc -f fixed Overwrites conflicting reports

Trim Galore

Parameter Type Description
trim_galore -q 20 fixed Default quality threshold
--clip_R1 flexible Cut bases from 5' of R1
--clip_R2 flexible Cut bases from 5' of R2
--three_prime_clip_R1 flexible Cut bases from 3' of R1
--three_prime_clip_R2 flexible Cut bases from 5' of R2
--length 20 fixed Default length threshold
--phred33 fixed PHRED quality score scale
--paired fixed Specifies if data is Paired-End


Parameter Type Description
qualimap -nt flexible Number of cores to use
--java-mem-size=4G fixed Set memory limit to avoid problems with big bam files

Software references and links

Website Paper Author(s)
bedtools 🌏 πŸ“° Quinlan et al.
Bismark 🌏 πŸ“° Krueger et al.
dmrseq 🌏 πŸ“° Korthauer et al.
FastQC 🌏 πŸ“° Simon Andrews
EAGLE-RC 🌏 πŸ“° Tony Kuo
MultiQC 🌏 πŸ“° Ewels et al.
samtools 🌏 πŸ“° Li et al.
Trim Galore 🌏 πŸ“° Felix Krueger
qualimap 🌏 πŸ“° GarcΓ­a-Alcalde et al.

Wiki index

  1. Overview
  2. Input files
  3. Configuration file
  4. Running Snakemake
  5. Output structure

Advanced information to better understand & modify the workflow:

  1. Snakefile (rules and relationships)
  2. Scripts
  3. Software and tools