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Breakout Sessions

Rohit Sharma edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Breakout Sessions

This feature enables attendees/participants of a meeting to take part in breakout sessions which is created by the meeting host/co-host. Attendees will be able to join a breakout session or leave sessions, if allowed to do so. This feature is available from SDK v3.7.0 onwards.

NOTE : Currently we are supporting attendee support and not host controls like creating a breakout session, editing a session etc.

Breakout Session Models


This represents the setting/information for all the Breakout Sessions which is configured by the host/co-host.

1. getStartTime(): Long

Get the start time of the breakout sessions

2. getDuration(): Long

Get the duration of the breakout sessions in seconds

3. getDelay(): Long

Get the delay timer in seconds, before breakout sessions are ended and after the session starts closing

4. allowReturnToMainSession(): Boolean

If anyone can join the main session once breakout sessions are closed then True else False

5. allowJoinLater(): Boolean

If anyone can join the session later then True else False


This represents the information for a particular Breakout Session

1. getName(): String

Name of the breakout session

2. getSessionId(): String

Unique session ID of the breakout session

3. isAssigned(): Boolean

If this session is assigned by host/co-host then True else False

Attendee Support APIs

Join/Leave Breakout Session

1. Join BreakoutSession)

2. Leave.

Breakout Session Events

1. Session Enabled

This event is triggered when breakout sessions have been enabled for a meeting

2. Session Started

This event is triggered when a breakout session has started. A breakout object is returned which contains info about the Breakout Breakout)

3. Session Joined

This event is triggered when an attendee has joined a breakout session. Attendee can join a breakout session in following two ways :

  • Manually by calling joinBreakoutSession api (if allowed to join session after it has been started by host/co-host),
  • When attendee is assigned to a breakout session by the host/co-host and host/co-host starts the breakout session BreakoutSession)

4. Breakout Sessions List Updated

This event is triggered when breakout sessions that the attendee can join, has been updated. User will get the updated list of breakout sessions List<BreakoutSession>)

5. Breakout updated

This event is triggered when the breakout has been updated. User gets the updated Breakout object Breakout)

6. Joined Session Updated

This event is triggered when the joined breakout session has been updated. User must be joined in a breakout session to get this event. BreakoutSession)

7. Broadcast Message Received

This event is triggered when host/co-host broadcasts a message to the for the session that user is joined into String)

8. Host Asking To Return To Main Session

This event is triggered when host/co-host is asking participants to return to the main meeting.

9. Session Closing

This event is triggered when the Breakout session is closing. After this event is received, the breakout session will end either immediately or after a delay, that is configured by the host/co-host. User can get the delay using Breakout.getDelay() api

10. Returned to Main Session

This event is triggered when participant has returned back to the main session.

11. Error Happened

This event is triggered when an error has happened while joining the session or moving back to the main session. BreakoutSession.BreakoutSessionError)

NOTE : To receive breakout events, developer needs to set a CallObserver object using the Call.setObserver API and override the above breakout events

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