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Multi Stream in SDK 3.5 Using Categories

adamrangs edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 1 revision

What is Multi-stream?

With multi-stream, you'll see the video of the most active participants in your meetings.

NOTE: The below new APIs are available from SDK version 3.5.0 onwards.

  • Stream order will be allocated in the order of joining the meeting.
  • 2 Categories are present - Category-A, Category-B.
  • Category-A: It will contain 1 stream and it will be the active speaker participant in the meeting.
  • Category-B: It will contain all other streams in the meeting. It can also contain the duplicate active speaker stream.
  • Category-B can be restricted to contain the number of streams. If more participant joins the meeting above the limit they will go into the queue.
  • If someone from the queue will speak he will get into the allocated stream and will replace the stream who is less active in the meeting.
  • If someone from the allocated stream leaves the meeting, the random participant from the queue will replace the stream.
  • The Active Speaker API can be used to check if the participant is an active speaker.
  • The ActiveSpeakerChangedEvent is triggered if active speaker changes.

Typical Scenario

In a meeting with more than two participants, if you want to see the active speaker along with other joined participants, you can use multi-stream to achieve it.

How to Use

To implement multi-stream, the client should implement MediaStreamAvailabilityEvent which is part of CallObserver.onMediaChanged. The following are the main steps you should follow.

override fun onMediaChanged(event: CallObserver.MediaChangedEvent?) {
     event?.let { _event ->
            val call = _event.getCall()
            when (_event) {
                is CallObserver.MediaStreamAvailabilityEvent -> {
                    // event is CallObserver.MediaStreamAvailabilityEvent
                    //if (event.isAvailable()) {
                    //     new stream available
                    //} else {
                    //     stream unavailable
                else -> {}

1. Provide a view for rendering the stream

When there is a newly available stream, such as a new participant joining the meeting, the above stream availability event will be fired and the client should provide the view to SDK for rendering the video of the stream.

// event is CallObserver.MediaStreamAvailabilityEvent

2. OnMediaStreamInfoChanged Listener

We support different event types - MediaStreamChangeEventType. If any of the types changes concerning the stream, the event will get triggered.

enum class MediaStreamChangeEventType {

The client can register the info change listener to receive the event change.

// event is CallObserver.MediaStreamAvailabilityEvent
event.getStream()?.setOnMediaStreamInfoChanged { type, info ->
                    //type: MediaStreamChangeEventType
                    //info: MediaStreamChangeEventInfo

3. setMediaStreamCategoryA

We can add the active speaker stream with the specified parameters if it does not already exist otherwise, update the active speaker stream with the specified parameters.

Category-A will contain only 1 stream and it will always be an active speaker stream.

// duplicate if true, the same active speaker will also be included in Category-B streams.
    fun setMediaStreamCategoryA(duplicate: Boolean, quality: MediaStreamQuality)
enum class MediaStreamQuality {
    LD,  // 180p
    SD,  // 360p
    HD,  // 720p
    FHD // 1080p

4. setMediaStreamsCategoryB

Set all Category-B streams to the specified params.

  • If the number of existing B streams is less than numStreams, it will add B streams as necessary.
  • If the number of existing B streams is more than numStreams, it will remove the extra B streams.
    fun setMediaStreamsCategoryB(numStreams: Int, quality: MediaStreamQuality)

5. removeMediaStreamCategoryA

Remove the Active Speaker stream. To add the active stream back, use setMediaStreamCategoryA().

  • After removal of Category-A, if Category-B exists, all streams will be of the same priority and streams will not change based on the active speaker.
    fun removeMediaStreamCategoryA()

5. removeMediaStreamsCategoryB

Remove all Category-B streams. To change the number of B streams, use setMediaStreamsCategoryB().

  • After removal of Category-B, if Category-A exists then only the active speaker stream will be visible and the participant who speaks will be visible in the Category-A stream.
    fun removeMediaStreamsCategoryB()
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